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I would like to thank those of you who stayed with me through a month where I really didn't post very much.  I don't wish to post about personal matters but I had a lot going on which took me away from making art.  The problem is that it's very difficult to force it out to a schedule when you're not feeling it.  I've been maintaining this Patreon for 5 years and I have had good runs and bad runs.  One of the reasons I keep the single tier price very low is in the hope you guys will cut me some slack through the drier periods.

Anyway the good news is that I have just finished a full revamp of Young Amanda.  This took place after the recent doodles I posted so what you see today is all new.

I realised that I wasn't doing much with her and I worked out that one of the issues is that I found her G8F hairstyle very difficult to work with.  So, I have brought back her old one from the old days and used some techniques I learned to make it work with Genesis 8 and iRay.  I have also made quite a few subtle changes to her face, makeup etc.  Last of all I have ditched the CYOA shirt for now and given her a lovely smart St Hilda's school blazer - with a tie!

I was going to wait until I had a full modelling set to post but I was (for once) keen to get this render posted right away.  This is from today and not deep within the Back Catalogue.  I have really enjoyed remaking her and hopefully this will give me the springboard to get back to making some interesting adventures.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.  Are you happy to see the old hair back?  Is the school uniform something you want to see more of or do you prefer casual clothes?

Thanks again.





Tim Organo

So dang cute