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This is an alternative post-cloth pose I developed around the time of the Rebel Amanda capture pics.  It's based on a very old V4/M4 pose I did with Amanda and her arch enemy Lafarge.  It actually works a lot better with Genesis figures as they are better designed and the two models 'fit' together without crazy distortions particularly around the back and hips - in the end, quite a realistic pose.

I am hoping to release this in a specific pack of G8F-gets-the-cloth poses as I am pretty confident it will sell.  The pack will include the recent ones used as well as several I haven't teased yet.  There will of course be a discount to Patreon subscribers.

Tomorrow.... more carry pics.




Just relax, Miss Jones. You won't feel a thing. 😈😉


This is the better scene, no question. Both are great tho 😍