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Jennifer was so excited to meet the famous investigator/explorer Amanda Jones, and so stayed behind after the lecture.  She just wanted to ask question after question about Amanda's adventures.  It became apparent that she was consdering a trip to the Peruvian jungle to look for Inca Gold.  Amanda immediately became worried that this was no kind of expedition for an inexperienced freshman to make.  But, the more she told about the dangers of the jungle - and her own narrow escapes - the more excited Jenny became!  She kept Amanda talking for an hour and a half!

I spent a whole day on lovingly creating Jennifer's college outfit - if you like it, I can render it some more!

Sorry again for the lack of recent updates.  I've had real problems with my eyes again and to top it all, we're in the middle of a heatwave here - it's 30c (that's 90F) in and outside here with no aircon.  It makes me incredibly lazy, and furthermore I genuinely get the worry that my computer is somehow going to overheat and burn out the GPU while rendering...




Whatever the point of view, definitely Amanda is incredible... 😍😍

Tim Organo

Because sometimes Amanda has to be "smart", and DAMN does she look good. Even from behind. Love those legs in heels. Very nice