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Having finalised Amanda's looks and hair, I am now onto scouting out clothes for her.  I have been trying to make some of her classic outfits, however it's not as simple as just recreating what she wore as a Victoria 4.  Although many of the clothes available for Genesis 8 are high quality and fit nicely, some are disappointing and overall there is a much more limited selection compared to the vast wardrobe available to V4.  Added to this, I was more, very, adept at customising clothing pieces and combining set with V4 and am still learning how to adapt iRay shaders.  So, outfits are probably going to be neither better nor worse than they were before, but just different.  The situation will no doubt improve over time as new clothing is released for Gen 8.  Whereas little to nothing was coming out for V4 anymore.  It was quite sad really.

Anyway, I didn't have a finished shot for you and am still working to exhaust all the options in order to find the very best tie tops, shorts, sweaters, shoes...  all the things you'd expect.  However I did save some of the 'draws' from the screen as I worked and therefore thought I'd share a little clutch of the better ones with you.  I feel that it's a good idea we all see as much Amanda as possible from all different angles so we get to know her in her new regeneration.  I'm really rather proud of her so far.

More to follow, and thanks for your patience as I rebuild everything from the ground up.  Once some outfits are finalised I will be then getting Amanda out of the studio and interacting with other characters.  This is all going to take time.  I know people want to see dangerous adventures, and I hope you understand that I want to have everything ready and build up my Daz 4 skills before I jump into something like that.  Don't worry I am seeing LOTS of places for her to explore - you're going to love them.




I don't have a #1 favorite as they are all equally my number one favorite. Can't wait to see more of this beauty and her amazing wardrobe with those killer legs.

Tim Organo

Fantastic little collection. #2 and #4 are my favourites. I love the close ups of her face. Very very beautiful.