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Genesis 8 Young Amanda is happy to announce that her CYOA will be released soon, hopefully within weeks.

It's been a long time since I posted a a progress on the CYOA, and that's because there wasn't any for about a month and a half due to eye issues and my not being able to use the computer.  The good news, however, is that the adventure has grown to 67,718 words and now three of the four sections are completed.  The third section is in the hands of the playtesting team now to ensure that you get a perfectly working and elegant final story.

I realise these word counts are just numbers, however - just for scale - this is the length of a short novel.  Previous CYOA's by such masters as PerilsOfDawn and UltimateClash were a 'mere' 20,000 words or so.  This is going to be a huge playable area with, in effect, three to four CYOA's in one, where you can visit the parts in any order and it remembers things you have done in previous areas.  It's not easy to make one like that, but I have managed it!

I am going to be working intensively on the final part this week.  Let's see where I can get to.  Thanks for your continued patience and hopefully the reward will be worth the wait.

Genesis 8 Amanda is a co-production with PerilsOfDawn - did I mention he has a very good new Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/perilsofdawn/   I've been helping him with some of the output and getting it off the ground.  I can see that, as of today, he already has 66 patrons (not at all bad for 2 weeks in) and I suspect that's a lot of you guys.  However if you haven't checked him out yet, please give him a look. 




She looks beautiful as always. She definitely has some cute feet, even though I'm not a foot fetish kind of guy. I can picture her flats falling off as she struggles from her captor or ends up over his shoulder. Can't wait for the final part of your storyline as well the story as a whole.

Tim Organo

Little cutie. So pretty