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Hello all and compliments of the season.

I've just taken a quick break from writing the CYOA (which is now at 62,000 words - how did that happen!) to tell you that our anonymous guest artist sent me a trio of lovely Ciara pics.

Here's the first!  Hope you like.

More to follow...




"The revolver held six rounds, but Ciara knew that if things got desperate, she could use those impressive legs of hers to keep kicking the bad guys indefinitely..."


This is the savior that we needed in 2020. The power of illustration is awesome. And there is enough great detail in here to put a big damn smile on my face. The frenetic depiction of the gunfire, the wisping hair, the turn of her torso and pose of her painfully good legs. The creases in her delectable tights, the battle damage on the brick wall, and even the reflections in those murky alley puddles... just yes yes yes.