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I was going to give this a different title, something like "Teen Amanda - Summer 2020 look", but the title rather suggested itself.  Sometimes I feel like my characters want to say something.

It's been a quiet couple of weeks here, and I expected to find my patrons drifting away as normally happens when I don't continuously post updates in a desperate effort to try and maintain interest. To my surprise, I have some new patrons (welcome!) and no-one has cancelled!

Truth is, I have been quite unwell - and I don't mean at death's door or (God forbid) COVID but the last few weeks I have not been sleeping at all well - waking up every couple of hours - then spending the days walking round like a zombie with no energy, headaches, aches and pains, and this all just kills my creativity and ability to make art.  I enjoy making art but I have to be feeling good to do it.  I think that Ciara tape bondage pic really drained me TBH as it got so fiddly and difficult and needed so much post work.

Anyway, last few days I have been feeling somewhat better - I have done a lot of work on Penelope which I hope you will see over the coming days.  But, as always happens, when I am away for a bit I inevitably come back to Amanda.

I've been installing a lot of new bits and pieces over the last few days and I thought that this would be a nice new 'do' for Young Amanda.  I've bought her a new shirt which she really likes.  Anyhow, I thought this might be a nice look for Summer 2020.  I don't know yet what she's going to get up to yet but I am sure it will be more exciting that my own monotonous life right now.  I'll get some full length pics out imminently.  Anyway, we just wanted to say that whatever happens to Amanda, she's grateful for your support, as your support gives her a life in the first place.  You're the reason I don't just quit Patreon and spend my days playing video games, eating and drinking myself slowly to death.

So thanks, and everything.
