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I just wanted to do a little service to a couple of friends.  Obviously I've had a mixed experience on Patreon myself over the years - but I am still going.  Despite the problems I have had here, I have still encouraged others to try and make their way on this platform.  This is no less relevant now good old deviantART is set on a path to self-immolation.

The first one is Monsieurpaul, who I first discovered over 20 years ago when the internet was young.  He should need no further introduction.  His Patreon is about half a year old now and I recommend it.  You can find it here:


Second one and very newly set up is MarkusJo, who many of you (mainly English speakers) will know for his epic Choose Your Own Adventure stories featuring his OC Emily Lockwood.  These were modelled on my originals that I developed featuring Amanda a few years back.  Markus has become quite well known on dA for his many stories and he's now hoping to make a go of Patreon. This is particularly brave as he's mainly focusing on writing, however his creator page does feature some rather splendid guest art by PerilsOfDawn who is his resident illustrator.  You can find his creator page here:


I am especially keen that Markus gets off to a flying start as I know just how hard it is to build support here on Patreon.  Just FYI, those with a little money to spend, he is offering a tier where he will write a CYOA for your character to your requirements!

I hope that you'll give one or both of these excellent colleagues a look and, of course, it goes without saying that I am beyond grateful to you for sticking with *me* through thick and thin. Thanks!



Thanks a lot, this is quite surprising. Still, you've always been a very generous person. Take care my friend.


No problem SIR. I think deviantART is maybe finished soon. I believe in Patreon's potential (still, even after how they treated me previously) and yours is very good. And uncensored still!


As a matter of fact, your friends are excellent indeed... I've canceled another artist because his $10/month were too much, when I compare to what MonsieurPaul and MarkusJones are creating... Thank you for the mentions 😊


I am a strong believer that $5 is a ceiling for Patreon subs. To charge $10, you really need to be delivering quite a lot. It's much better to have a large number of people pledging a small amount than a small number pledging a larger amout. The income is the same but you have to be more active and consistent which is really hard for any creator if it's not their first and main job.