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Hello my long-suffering and seemingly-neglected patrons!

So, last time I posted, I mentioned that I was changing my trusted and loved system to Windows 10.  I say changing rather than 'upgrading' because I don't see this as an upgrade - more a necessity forced by the arrogance of the monopolist, Microsoft.  It may not be a surprise, given the week of radio silence, that the process was not smooth.  Not to go into details but I had to install twice after getting stuck in an un-bootable loop, and during the process my Win10 installation made my old Win7 SSD un-bootable as well after I naievly connected it to transfer files.  So, no going back.  EVERYTHING I used including Daz Studio, Photoshop and of course Windows itself was back on default settings, making the process of using them slow, cumbersome and unenjoyable.

I am JUST ABOUT back to where I was before (do you know, you can 'find' Windows Photo Viewer in Win10?)  I have had to do a lot to my registry just to customise so I can work quicker in the way I am used to.  It's not pleasant trying to do creative things when every interaction with the computer is frustrating.  But I have done a couple of renders tonight which I hope to post tomorrow.

IN THE MEANTIME - I thought I would post these last ever renders from my beloved but obsolete Win7 system.  Win7 served me well for 9 years and this is not a welcome experience.  I would say it's like the death of a friend but I experienced that a year ago and it's something different.  Suffice to say that, whether it's Microsoft, Apple or indeed Patreon, a small number of people in California have most of the power in this world and they simply don't give a fuck about people.  Or, at least, they have the power to not have to care, and frequently abuse it.

Here, I decided to return to Ciara using the light set I built for Adult Amanda two weeks ago.  I think this pink outfit suits her very well and I am now not suit whether it belongs to Ciara or Amanda.  RIP Windows 7, and much more posting to follow in the coming days now I am finally set up.



Mena R.

Very nice! If that is the last one to come from Windows 7, it's a heck of a way to go out. (as I type this on my old Windows 7 PC). :)