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I finally finished one of those unfinished pictures.

I have been wanting to make this picture, and this character, for years.  I attach the original screenshot from the game for reference.

Golden Axe was an arcade game that I grew up with at a particularly impressionable time. Tyris Flare (or should that perhaps be Tyris=Flare) was pretty much the first awesome, powerful, beautiful female character I had seen in an arcade game.  Who cares that her armour was a bikini - she kicked ass!  Quite literally.  And she could collect potions and summon a dragon that would incinerate her enemies while she just stood in the middle of the fire unharmed.  That's right, she was some combo of Red Sonja and Khaleesi before Game of Thrones was even imagined.

For some reason, it was this little splash screen at the start that really made me love her.  The tragic backstory just makes you want to root for her and it also makes Death=Adder scary as hell before he even enters the screen.  Can this one girl defeat the monster or will she die trying.  You want it for her so much.  Put a coin in the slot and make it happen.

I don't think I ever completed Golden Axe, not least because it was tricky, I didn't have a lot of money, and also I secretly rather enjoyed Tyris getting defeated by the hordes of skeletons, giants and henchmen.

What a game.  They don't make 'em like they used to.  And clichés aren't what they used to be.

If this gets lots of likes I may try to make some of the bad guys from Golden Axe and make a few scenes.

Please let me know what you think of Tyris's 'Bikini Armour' - especially compared to the other outfits I made for her.  I am happy to depict her in any of these.




Great work T3D, the gray and color posted are framed nicely. Excellent job and glad that you're enjoying working on Tyris.


Huge fan of this. Similar experiences with that game, would love to see more of this.


Thanks! I appreciate it! Not very many people noticed the Tyris stuff I did. I have a back catalogue of hers - you can direct message me if you want to see more.