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This is a 4k render - make sure you get it full size.

I have been spending all day slavishly rendering and tweaking my new fantasy warrior girl.

She has a very lovely belly but I think (with no shield at least) she was running the risk of getting a spear or arrow in it.

I've worked on a full plate (or nearly full plate) outfit for her to have just in case.  Same as with the hairstyles though, I am going to keep both options open.

It's a badly kept secret that the inspiration here is the video game character Tyris ¦ Flare from Golden Axe.  I will of course be generating her bikini and boots outfit and likely combining that with her loose long hair.  Then I might send her off an adventure IF she proves popular enough.  You'll have to stay patrons through October if you want to see that though...

(yes that's a bodystocking underneath - you got a problem with that?)



Mena R.

Holy carp does she look good! And quite intimidating as well. :) Armor looks both sexy and functional as well. Just a great pose for her too...great stuff!

Tim Organo

As deadly as she is beautiful. LOVE it