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Into the basement...

So sorry for the 13 day gap between this and the last instalment!  I know this story is called Night Investigation but remind me not to do any more scenes in the dark!!!  I mean, you want to depict darkness but all it means is people can't see anything...  

Even in the dark there are a couple of dozen lights in this pic and the detail level is bordering on excessive...  Don't get me started on the pose, either.  To create a 'walking down stairs' pose was incredibly challenging and seemed to take about three sessions of hours by itself.  It all seems to depend on whether the model is still walking, has stopped, is going fast or slow, is confident about where they are putting their feet, etc etc.  Finding references was well nigh impossible.

For some reason I decided in the last picture that this basement would by lit by a red light... but I wish I hadn't as it nearly ruined the whole thing when I came to render an image down here.  In the end I was saved by some light cascading down from the main body of the garage and also Amanda's trusty little phone light.

What are the keys for? Will Amanda ride off on the Road Eagle upstairs?

Does she even have a licence?!

What's behind the STAY OUT door and will Amanda follow the sign's advice?

I promise that the wait for the next instalment will not be nearly so long (for a start, I know it's a much simpler image!)  The speed of this story has been very slow so far as Amanda keeps moving to new areas and I need to make establishing shots each time.  Hopefully she will find what she's looking for soon and I will not have to keep making all these new spaces... hurry up Amanda!

Thanks for bearing with me and I hope you are enjoying the suspense.



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