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Sorry for the lack of activity, and please be assured I do have a number of things I am working on for you.

This is just to say that, a week ago, I sent a ticket to Patreon support to appeal about the recent suspension and how it was handled.  As you know this creator page was severely censored, and I am now no longer allowed the creative freedom given to dozens of other peril artists (whose names you know).

I was a victim of identity theft, and someone claiming to be be misused another website,  causing a complaint directly to Patreon, which led to the suspension.  I was not told anything about this, I was just suspended and told that over half my work now had to be deleted all of a sudden.

I have not had a reply from Patreon in a week about this.  There I was, thinking they were breathing down my neck with finger hovering over the perma-ban button, just in case I posted a picture of a damsel in distress.  It turns out they are not even answering their emails when I ask them to review my account.  

I have sent a follow up mail about this and hope to get a response.  As always I will keep you fine people updated.



If I were you, I'd CONTACT THEM, on a "Public" Forum – such as: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, etc. – don't just Rely on "Customer Service"! 😅


Well, that's ridiculous! I hope that you are able to get the situation resolved.


Had a response back finally after two weeks. Nothing new, just repeating stock phrases. I am still trying to get an outline of what this appeal process is and whether it actually exists. My suspicion is that it doesn't. They de-platformed a lot of people since October last year when Paypal started interfering. One of the things they have said to pacify journalists is "any creator can always appeal a decision". I am trying to do just that and getting nowhere.