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As per title.

I am working very hard behind the scenes to get this creator page un-suspended.  Sorry if things feel a little silent but I am focused very much on removing material that the Trust and Safety team requires me to.  This is taking time.

I have had patrons contacting me about cancelling their pledges because the page is suspended. Please note:

1) No pledges are billed while a page is suspended

2) During this 'temporary suspension' Patreon stops you from cancelling for above reason

3) The suspension will hopefully not last much longer - I have done everything required of me and am awaiting a response

I have good ideas and plans for the future here and I hope you will show your support, at this difficult time, by just hanging around for a little while and giving me a chance.  You should not assume that, if you all cancel now, I will be still doing this in 6 months for you to pop back in and see what's going on.  It's in your hands.

I am not to kill this creator page, and neither is the Patreon Trust and Safety team - as long as I respect their policies.  The only people that can kill it is you - the patrons.  It's up to you. Please think on that.


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