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Wasn't sure whether to post any of these, as I was basically remaking the character as a favour to Perils of Dawn.  However I must have spent a good 12 hours on her over the last two weeks so it would probably be a waste not to.  However Perils will take up the reins from now.

Nico is the main female character in the Broken Sword set of adventure games.  I haven't played any of them, but I got inspired to work on her when PoD showed me a youtube clip of some of her in game deaths (haha).  If you make the wrong decisions some rather bad things can happen to her (shot, strangled etc).  Which is a shame as she's gorgeous.

This video may give you some ideas, especially what happens around 1m25s....


I am especially pleased with her hair, which was a blend of two models that took many hours of fiddly transmapping.  I guess the thing I like most about her outfit is the shocking red suit with it's unfeasibly short skirt.

I didn't have a French character so it seemed a good idea to make one.  Perils likes his girls slim so I didn't give her the normal Torqual girl curves.  However I experimented with her body proportions and went for something that is a little comic style without being anatomically unfeasible.  Actually I am quite pleasantly surprised by how she came out.




She does look very lovely. Maybe this remake of her could lead to her to not getting killed or so. But more of cliffhangers; where the audience can visualize what would happen. IDK. But I do love her appearance. Definitely digging her long slender nude legs; exposing much of her thighs. =P


Oh how I miss Nico. Looks great. As a fan of her games I recognized her instantly. Great work. Defiantly need some peril shots of her.


That's great to know! Perils of Dawn has already shown me a couple of stories he's done and will post soon on his deviantART page.