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Sorry I couldn't post anything yesterday - was meaning to keep going with the splurge of pics I did two months ago, but actually I got into editing Dazzler and fixing/organising all her clothes and stuff to make it better.

So this pic was done this afternoon at the end of the process.

I am a little torn because before I get into knocking her out repeatedly... she is so pretty and statuesque I want to give her a little more chance to strike a pose and show her powers.  I actually want to do a pic of her beating up some bad guys, though that might take a couple of days.  I feel like, there's kinda no joy in just taking her down if we haven't given her a chance to be heroic first?  Even if you have to be patient?  This is kinda my problem with the whole superheroine fetish thing anyway....

Hope you don't mind following me on this little random journey.

My original version of this pic had her conjuring up a little ball of light in her hands but actually I felt it detracted from one of the more... striking areas of her body.  You can see it here:


There will (almost definitely be more from Dazzler this weekend).  She's just such an excellent plaything that I will be sure to want to get my hands on her again.



TOG Driver

I think some bad guy fighting would compliment peril nicely for her. Like you said, there's no joy in taking her down if she doens't get to be heroic first.


Y'Know what's "Ironic", here? Her ENTIRE COSTUME seems to ring (in similarity), with a certain MARVEL™ Femme Fatale – that is NOW PLAYING, at a theater, near you…! Co-incidence?! 🤔😉


Well, they are both Superheroines of the Marvel Universe (except X-Men and Avengers don't appear at the same time) - but I wasn't in any way influenced by Cpt Marvel into doing this set and recreating Dazzler.