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So I burned out on Penelope (for now), though she got a fairly decent run, even though I had two or three more peril scenes planned that now won't happen.  I haven't posted anything for a few days, so it might seem like I am inactive, but believe it or not I have spent probably 30 hours in Daz Studio over the last four days.  I haven't done such an intense period since just before Christmas when the Young Amanda/Aphir story really grabbed me by the balls.  Then before that you have to go back to Teen Rebel Amanda for the previous 'fever pitch' (though that got a luke warm response).

One of the most frustrating things about me (for you I am sure) is that I simply cannot work to order or any kind of plan.  This is why I am so rubbish at requests and commissions.  If an idea doesn't inspire me right now, for whatever reason, I cannot overcome this by forcing myself to work on it.  Offers of money don't help and simply increase the pressure. I might *want* to make a picture of a certain scene, on a higher level, like the brain is telling me to do it - as someone ordered it or I promised it and its overdue - but if the heart isn't with it then the picture just doesn't happen.  I just stop.  And what's worse is the delayed thing - that I owe or promised - then blocks me from doing things I would enjoy and so I produce NOTHING.  Then eventually I sneak back and make little things for me and feel GUILTY.

The converse is that when something catches my imagination and gets the juices flowing, I cannot leave it alone.  I become an addicted workaholic.

So I made a new girl.  I have maybe 100 pictures of her already... mostly draft and rough, so no good to post.

The problem is this.  I promised a load of things.  I had a load of requests.  I can't just start posting these new things from this new character that nobody asked for...

And maybe deep down, I am very nervous that people won't like her...

You see, I know people came here for Amanda, and Hannah, and Penelope and so when I make a new character it's a gamble and possible dead end. 

But the problem is, this girl was in my head... for two and a half decades, then a little little thing just triggered it off, made me think of her, and then I had to make her.

I have now created her and I am totally besotted with her.  She is beautiful and sexy as hell.  I am working full time perfecting her and also doing the most disreputable and humiliating things to her.  She is utterly my guilty plaything.

But seriously, I am really in two minds about whether to post anything... or let this pass.  Like, if I post a portrait or something and it gets 4 likes and one comment - it's going to be soul-destroying, do you feel me?


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