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Hello.  I have come up with an idea.

As a consequence of issuing the new pose pack, I have got myself into five or six quite detailed conversations with fellow 3D artists - some of whom are just thinking of starting out, and others who are really quite established.  Now I often get questions that start "how do you...."

Now let it be said that I am (by far) not the most technically advanced or impressive 3D artist out there.  For the ones that are technically better, go look at any of det0mass0, SoloGeek, SkatingJesus, CalladsEssence (the list is long).  However there are some things that people keep telling me I do well, and nearly 150 patrons can't all be just down to my determined marketing effort.

I have seen a number of creators on this site who offer higher tiers where they provide Photoshop files, 'making of' videos and or 121 coaching.

I enjoy engaging with fellow 3D artists like Monsieurpaul3D, PerilsOfDawn and Ultimate Clash, all of whom I have high levels of co-operation with.  I am quite willing to work with any loyal Patron that might want to get critique on their own stuff, or explore new techniques, or simply make pictures that look a little like mine do.

A couple of years back I completely taught PerilsOfDawn to use 3D art software from scratch. You can go to his dA page and ask him.  He was spending hundreds of dollars with people on his Dawn Meadows commissions and now he is set up as quite a prolific 3D artist.  Any of you with a computer and some imagination can achieve this.  The way that we worked with PoD is to do Skype calls using the screen share function which is really brilliant for 'technical support' type discussions.  Either of you can see the other's screen and learn that way rather than reading some dry tutorial or watching a YouTube video that doesn't quite match your setup/goals and is non interactive.

Before I go any further, I would clarify that I don't use Poser or DS4 so can't offer technical advice in either. But honestly about 90% of what you do in 3D is transferable between software platforms.

So, below is a list of things I may be able to offer help with...

- Getting off the ground in 3D (i.e. where the hell do I start?)

- Making poses

- Making textures, i.e. clothes, skin, pantyhose

- Composition i.e. scene setup & camera placement

- Lighting and shadows

- Advanced secrets of Victoria 4!

- Making the outfits YOU want and dealing with pokethrough

- Making facial expressions

- Turning the character that is in your head into an actual 3D person

- POST WORK, the most important thing!

So my question is, would anyone like to take up this offer?  Talking on Skype can be a bit scary for some so if you don't want to share personal details I do have an account that is just called 'Torqual3D' so you won't see any of me, just my voice and what's on my screen.  I can even offer just text-based comms.

What's in it for me?  

1) Enjoy interacting with patrons

2) Build patron loyalty and satisfaction

3) Get to see more art that I like!!

4) MONEY!!!!

If this sounds at all useful to anyone, please drop a comment below.  If you have a suggestion about what you might want to discuss, add that.  If you don't feel that you want to leave a public(?) comment about it, just drop me a note.

Thanks for reading!



I would be very interested in a higher tier idea that involves exchange of information. In addition to your list of things to offer help in, I am curious to see your work flow and how you go about in your design processes. One of the most frustrating thing for me is that the workflow between maya and DAZ is still being set up. I love how much more diverse Maya is when it comes to design and animation work, but I like the UI for daz more and how easy it is to just get in and pose out a scene you have in your head and then immediately have it quick render to see how it would look.


Hi - feel free to drop me a note about this. Have you recently changed username by the way? I need to be clear that I have never used Maya and am still using Daz Studio 3, so if it's advice on 4 specifically you need, you will find me a dinosaur. This said, I am seriously considering giving DS4 a go now, simply because I think that I am getting completely left behind from iRay and Gen8 and I have the system to run it with ease now.


I have long harboured a notion of trying some 3D work but I suspect my PC isn't up to all the rendering etc. That being said I'd be interested in understanding how to get started and the basics, what to buy, pros and cons of different packages etc