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Post-a-thon 7/15... 

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On the left, as she appears in Daz Studio.

On the right, as she appears in PUBG.

I don't normally go for trying to create an exact likeness, because (a) its impossible and invariably disappointing and (b) 3D characters are often a bit too perfect vs flawed real humans.  However in this case, there's not so much of a problem with trying to reproduce a character who is already digital.  I have got as close as I can with hair model, and in terms of the face shape etc I decided to just make her as close as possible and not just make 'another Torqual girl'.  

She's a bit different looking to my other cast and that's a good thing.  I like her face shape and the bit of fat/muscle either side of her mouth, plus her lips... and the dark brown eyes with blonde hair is really working for me and makes her look as intense as hell.  Since the game is about your last 30 minutes alive in a battle for survival against 99 other people then intensity is what it's about.

I happen to think that the designers at Bluehole did an exceptional job with this face and that she is a very beautiful woman.  This probably explains the many hours I have spent on the game being her, trying desperately to keep her alive (because I am very attached to her) - but also secretly enjoying some of her sexy deaths.  Did I just say that out loud.

Obviously there are 22 million players and half of them seem to play as women, with this being the most popular model, so she has a few million clones out there.  Clothes and hair are partly how you distinguish yourself.  But she still feels very much 'mine'.

If anyone else plays this game or has any questions about it feel free to leave a comment below.




Awesome work!


Wow, I don’t comment a lot on here (I just go about quietly enjoying your amazing work, but I have to say about this one that my first impression is a kick-ass Catherine Heigl.