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DISCLAIMER - 'Young' Amanda is always portrayed as 18 years old.

Before she was Amanda the Teenage Rebel, before she was New Amanda, she was Young Amanda Jones, the Schoolgirl Sleuth.

Having reinvented Penelope very much to my satisfaction, I veered accidentally into opening up Young Amanda's file, and started on a completely unplanned project of updating her.  Actually the idea went from "would that jacket work as a school blazer instead of the vest?" to "I wonder what she would look like in socks?" to "What the hell shoes is she supposed to wear with these?"

Anyway I have had two days of fun and thought I had better do a picture out of it so I had something to post.  Now, I know many of you would really prefer to see Young Amanda knocked out, chloroformed, tied up, beaten over the head or choked or shot with an arrow or whatever.... BUT... you know, sometimes I just don't feel like that.  Sorry.  I cannot always make these pictures and if I posted them every day they would lose their impact and you'd get bored quickly.  REALLY, you WOULD!  OK, so no one believes me.

So I thought it would just be nice to show Amanda as a happy, care free, and very much eighteen years old schoolgirl.  I did veer away from posting schoolgirl Amanda stuff on deviantART because I didn't feel comfortable with some of the things people were asking for and you do get the uncanny feeling or maybe irrational worry you might be talking to people who might actually commit harm in the real world...  

Anyhow that out of the way, I am still working on this revamp for Young Amanda, messing around with different shoes, socks, blazers, bags, skirts and goodness knows what else.  It's fun.  Not sure what pics will result from it but of course some will be perilous.

Young Amanda is currently appearing in Sleuth Stranded, a new massive Choose Your Own Adventure which you can find here:


If you're feeling bloodthirsty, there is some artwork showing some pretty serious peril there as well...  so enjoy!  Ultimate Clash is one of only two other artists I shared my Amanda files with (the other being the legendary Monsieurpaul).  Please leave him some comments and faves if you like what you find!




Cutie! I wonder if she's going to some school where the top and skirt are required parts of the uniform, but the shoes and leggings for each day are her choice.. Maybe they encourage that as a way to show individual expression or something?


Amanda has a beautiful smile, it'd be nice to see more of it. :-)


OK, glad you like her smile! That's a relief actually to hear you say that. Smiles in Daz with Victoria 4 are very hard to make without making characters look like an evil grimacing old hag....


I think that is a very, very good idea. You will think so too when you see her shoes.