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"Will you stop staring at my arse???!"*

Don't worry about it everyone... Penelope likes the attention really.  She's quite competitive anyway, especially with someone whose initials are AJ.

Daniel Hartwell requested a bikini shot with Penelope (and it's only taken me all year to do it!) and he did hint that he might be interested in a rear view.  Cue a game of cat and mouse with me following Penelope round the studio trying to get the perfect view of her posterior - except she kept getting the giggles and turning round, pulling faces and generally ruining the picture.  So, this is the best I could do.

I hope you like Penelope's bikini and, I am happy to do more renders of her in it if that's how people would like to end the month?

Everything I do with Penelope at the moment is so much fun.  She has been reborn for me, and I wanted to show you that she does have a sense of humour, despite trying hard to look intense all the time.

*Penelope is English and so refers to a butt as an arse.  Don't even ask what fanny means, that's something rude.



Tim Organo

Of course you caught me looking. It's a VERY nice bum. Although she's no Amanda Jones, who always wins an arse (yes, I'm English too) competition. Although I may be a little biased due to my feelings about Amanda. I digress. An awesome image and great angle. Nice to catch her out and get the bum shot.


Funny that in the USA a bum is a tramp and a tramp is a loose woman, and a fanny is a bum over there too where it's a more sensitive bit over here...

