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Gwen Archer - Back from the Dead is a piece of fiction I would love to write if only I had the time, energy, ideas and writing talent.  How did she survive, or come back, and also...why?  What is her mission and purpose now?  Who does she serve?  Is she still the same woman or has she changed somehow?

Anyway, Gwen is back from the dead with some killer outfits.  I hope to illustrate a few more of them this weekend.  This pic was a bit spontaneous.  Not sure about this outfit but it just seems that I am unable to bring myself to cover up Gwen's legs.  Sorry.




Gwen is looking fantastic T3D :) An awesome outfit and why would you not show off her legs? Great work!

Tim Organo

Oh, sweet jesus! Here I was thinking you coulnd't possibly make Gwen even more beautiful than she already was, and you throw this at me. Wow! Truly, wow! Excellent work, Torqual. REALLY love her outfit here. I mean REALLY love it.