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So those of you who are paying $2.95 a month just to view the 3D pics, firstly, sorry there haven't been many this month (due to holidays) and secondly, you're probably wondering who the hell is Annelise and what is going on?  It's not too late.... for 70 cents you can upgrade to the next membership tier and see not only 30 pics from The Abominable Snowman but a whole load of other photo commissions going back to January.  70 cents for 100+ high quality photos of glamorous female peril... how can anyone actually resist?!?  And if you pay more, I can commission more!

Going through The Abominable Snowman and picking out the first 30 pics really made me fall in love with Annelise and especially her outfit. Whereas I was very prescriptive with Jessie's outfit, Annelise joined the project late on and I gave her pretty much free rein to pick her own clothes subject to the necessary involvement of pantyhose and heels.  I think she rather nailed that one.

Anyhow, since Kat is a student of fashion (and a wannabe model) she saw Annelise's outfit and immediately wanted to try it out in 3D.  So, I made it for her.  I hope you like!  Kat's hair is a little longer and she got highlights for this one, as well as the same lipstick.

I have done my best to help her get the same 'peril chic' look.  And since we haven't done anything bad to Annelise yet, maybe Kat can step in.  And she thought she was safe out of that clubbing outfit.  

Comments and suggestions/requests welcome.




Very good. Hope this outfit is used again on her soon.


great outfit and shoes but too bright for the eyes