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Hey wonderful people!

I'd like to get a slight sense for what supporters here think about Ai works, to better plan for the future.

Ai will undoubtfully gain influence in many aspects of creative work!

I will work on Ai stuff too no matter what (alongside MMD!), but I wouldn't like to see people here just for MMD leaving due to Ai stuff (In which case an option may be to split off Ai stuff to a separate Patreon, possibly)

It is purely out of curiosity, no promises regardless of poll results

Also, feel free to leave a comment below the poll, if you have input, suggestions, comments, feedback or other! <3

How do we feel about AI works?



The problem is when the AI starts doing MMDs. It will happen I'm sure.


I find the AI stuff largely creepy as hell, though some of it's pretty interesting as well. But I wouldn't leave over it.


i can be quite creepy yes - and sometimes fascinating at the same time ^-^ guess i have embraced some of the weirdness, some interesting imagry comes from it, even if quite abstract. Good to hear it won't scare you off!


in a year or 2 i wouldn't be surprised - at least style transfers, changing the characters/look in videos, and one day yes, probably with text direction. Some things are pretty hard to emulate tho, camera movement has a lot of intent/emotion to it, ai is not good with that, but it could do basic/ok cameras probably. I don't necessarily see it as a problem tho, but new possibilities revolutionary technologies like this tend to bring about the end of an era or massive change