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653. The Same Man


Taburas eyed the mirror-like room where the Deathsquad Hunters were being held captive. A Salvos clone was standing guard at the doorway with her arms crossed. But even then, the [Succubus] didn’t feel at ease.

She didn’t like how she was in such close proximity to a pair of Primeval Demons who were quite literally after her life. So she hoped that Haec would be able to speak some sense into Salvos. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case.

Taburas watched as both Salvos and Haec emerged back into the main room of the pocket space. Judging by the look on the former Heir of the Netherworld’s face, it was apparently evident what had transpired during their private conversation. Once again, Haec was going to be folding to Salvos.

“Of course…”

Taburas gritted her teeth as she walked up to Haec. Bertrugil and Aemula joined her side, and they all looked between Haec and Salvos.

“So, what’s the plan?”

Aemula asked casually. Haec nodded as he gestured at Salvos.

“I spoke it over with Salvos, and we decided that this is the best course of action for now. We need to find our way to the Demon King’s Domain before it’s too late.”

Bertrugil protested as soon as he heard that.

“You can’t be serious? We’re going to fucking die if we—”

But Taburas just muted out their conversation. She lowered her head, feeling a strong sense of… disappointment. Her heart ached as she eyed Haec from the side. It almost hurt her, seeing him like this.

He was nothing like the man she used to know and follow. It was almost like he was just deferring everything to Salvos. And it really upsetted Taburas. Because this was not who she admired.

Haec was supposed to be a leader. He was supposed to be a protector. He had become the Heir of the Netherworld, even if he had been defiant to the Demon King. It was a sight to see for Taburas back then.

That was why the fealty and loyalty Haec was showing to Salvos was infuriating. Taburas closed her eyes, before turning around.

“If we want to stop Regnorex, we have to do this—”

Haec started, then paused when he saw the [Succubus] walking away. He blinked as she ignored him and came to a halt by the edge of the pocket space. He stared at her back for a moment, but he didn’t say a word.

“What is she doing…?”

Taburas could hear Salvos say from a distance.

“I don’t know, but I’ll talk to her.”

Came Haec’s reply. Taburas gritted her teeth, hearing the way Haec was acting still so subservient to Salvos. His footsteps approached her from behind, but she refused to turn around.

He came to a halt behind her and asked.

“Taburas… what’s wrong?”

The [Succubus] gritted her teeth in response. There were many things she wanted to say. However, she calmed herself. She slowed her breath, before she opened her eyes. She stared into the white landscape of the Netherworld. It was peaceful and calm. A sight unlike anything she had seen before.

“What’s wrong?”

She repeated Haec’s question. And slowly, she turned to face him.

“What’s wrong is… all of this.”

Taburas spoke as she gestured around the pocket space. But then her gaze fixed on him, and she gritted her teeth.

“What’s wrong is you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Haec asked with narrowed eyes. She gritted her teeth. It was frustrating to her. However, she knew that nothing she said really mattered. All that mattered to Haec now was Salvos.

“Taburas, you’ve been acting really weird for a while now. I need you to explain what is going on to me. If it’s about Salvos again—”

“It’s not about her. It’s about you.”

Taburas repeated herself, speaking through clenched teeth. Haec blinked a few times as she shook her head.

“Everything you’re doing— it’s all for her. You just want to help her. You don’t care about anyone but her anymore.”

And that made Haec pause. He pursed his lips for a moment as Taburas balled her hands into a fist. She didn’t even look towards Salvos. All the [Succubus] did was glare up to the man she once admired.

“I am helping Salvos because she is trying to help us…”

Haec whispered. Taburas placed a hand on her chest.

“And how is Salvos trying to help me?”

“She protected you from the Deathsquad Hunters.”

“She used me as bait. She used all of us as bait. That’s it. Because she wants to save her Human friends.”

Taburas countered, and Haec frowned. He pointed at the collar around her neck.

“And yet, you’re still being hunted down because of that. Even before Salvos thought to use you as bait. Or did you think she had a reason to protect you when the last few Deathsquad Hunters attacked us?”

The former Heir of the Netherworld shook his head. Taburas recalled the brief encounter with Venas, then everything that transpired just after with the Beast. And she scowled as she turned around once again.

“No matter what I say, you’re going to defend Salvos. Because she is all you care about.”

Taburas glanced back once, before marching off. And Haec just watched as she went.


I watched as Taburas went off to another corner of my pocket space. I scratched my cheek, turning to Haec as he returned to me.

“That didn’t go so well, huh?”

I said as he shook his head.

“It… didn’t. But it’s fine. It doesn’t matter how she feels.”

“Isn’t she your friend? I feel like it matters quite a lot. I try to talk to my friends when they’re upset with me, y’know?”

I crossed my arms across my chest. Haec pressed his lips into a thin line, and I looked towards where Taburas was pouting.

“What is she even upset about? I’ll talk to her.”

I tried to walk forward, but Haec stopped me. I blinked a few times as he sighed.

“I’ll talk with her more later. But you can’t talk to her because she’s upset about…”

He stared at me, and I raised a brow.


“It’s nothing. Come on, you need to talk to the Deathsquad Hunters— so we can find our way to the Demon King’s Domain.”

Haec said as he gestured at the room Ultis and Aliq were confined in. I nodded hesitantly, glancing between Haec and Taburas one last time, before shrugging.



Ultis wasn’t sure what was going to happen to her. She bit her lower lip apprehensively as the golden clones surrounded her. They were apparitions made of magic— Ultis had seen clone magic before. And normally, they were much weaker than the original. But the fact that these clones had slain a few of her comrades made her nervous about their strength.

Aliq didn’t seem to be bothered. Or maybe he was. His eyes were closed, and he said not a word. He was likely still reeling over his twin’s death.

Ultis looked up as she saw the door swing open. Salvos stepped into the room, and her clones moved to the side. The two Deathsquad Hunters rose to their feet.


Salvos clapped her hands together, and Ultis backed up warily.

“We have made our decision.”

“And that is?”

Aliq asked simply, not showing a hint of fear. Ultis waited with bated breath. And Salvos smiled.

“Unfortunately for you guys— you’re still going to be helping me betray your Demon King!”

Salvos replied as she waved a hand dismissively. The two Deathsquad Hunters exchanged a glance, but before they could ask any questions, Salvos snapped her fingers. It was like the ground beneath them vanished.

A portal opened up back into the Netherworld, dropping them from the pocket space. They both screamed, caught by surprise. And then the Salvos clones swooped down and carried them as they blinked.

Salvos descended next to the two of them. Ultis stared with round eyes.

“So, this is your last chance to make a decision. Will you help lead me to the Demon King’s Domain? Or will you… get yourself killed?”

It was a simple question— one that Salvos asked casually. But it was a threat too. Ultis glanced over at Aliq, wondering what he would do now that he had a second chance to fight. And it almost seemed like he was going to throw away his life for no good reason.

He shrugged off the clone holding onto him, and then he hovered in the air just before Salvos herself. She tilted her head expectantly, before he nodded.

“I shall show you the way.”

He spoke simply. Salvos grinned, then turned to Ultis.

“And you?”

Ultis blinked, then sputtered.

“I-I— of course!”

She nodded as she also pushed herself off from the clones. She hovered in the air with her own magic, before Salvos smiled and turned to face the rest of the Netherworld.

“Alright— then let’s get going!”

And with that, they were off to the Demon King’s Domain.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the super late delays, but I have been very demotivated lately. Will try to pick up the pace.

Read next chapter here 


Danijel Turina

To MelasD: Interestingly, both myself and everybody around me have been feeling fatigued recently for no apparent reason, so it might be a global phenomenon, caused by either something with the Sun or the military radars working on high output. In any case, if you feel too tired to write, just chill. We love reading the new stuff but it ain't worth burning yourself out.

Danijel Turina

The more I think about it, the more I'm afraid for Salvos, with the company she's keeping at the moment and all. You see, she has a knack for getting in over her head occasionally, and it was not once that her companions had to carry her out of battle half-dead or in agonising pain and patch her up. She fights best if someone has her back. However, of those four Haec will have her back unless he goes insane with wrath, Taburas might kill her if she's wounded enough, Aemula will try to help but is kinda weak, and Bertrugil might either run, bitch&moan, or help, depending on the current alignment of stars. Honestly, with a "team" like that I'd prefer to stay out of trouble and make only safe and prudent moves, and yet they are heading into the thick of it. Now compare this to Daniel and Edithe whom she could trust with her life day after day. I'm not sure she would be safe if she fell asleep with Taburas around, let alone go into battle with her.