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650. Goat


“[My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends].”

Daniel saw the wisping iridescent flakes coating the Watcher’s body. It was the telltale sign of a Divine Essence— a power so rare that most of Humankind, and all the other Species in Nexeus.. But that wasn’t what the [Hero] from Earth’s attention was focused on.

It was the name of the Grand Skill that made him pause. He stared at the aura of invulnerability protecting Yves Virgil. And Daniel wasn’t sure if he could even believe his eyes. After all, it was quite literally Salvos’ Grand Skill.

Well, that was one way to put it. Obviously, it wasn’t a Grand Skill that was unique to Salvos, so it shouldn’t be all too surprising for someone else to have it. However, knowing its abilities, Daniel knew— this battle was as good as over.

“Four… Grand Skills?”

Kali’natha whispered as she backed away from the Elfslayer. Her legs were trembling, and she nearly dropped her shortsword. Yves just laughed as he strode forward without a care in the world.

“Four isn’t a lot. I would have had five right now if I didn’t learn that having too many would cause a little bit of a problem when you reach Level 200.”

Even Daniel was taken aback by what Yves had said. Kali’natha’s eyes snapped wide open for a moment, before she ground her teeth together and took a step forward.

“Enough of your taunting— we’ll kill you!”

She charged at the Elfslayer as Daniel watched. Her only remaining ally— the transformed [Druid]— looked on for a moment, before his body began to shift once more. Yves narrowed his eyes, barely paying attention to Kali’natha even as she reached him.

He stood there unflinchingly, looking past her as she unleashed an onslaught of deadly straights at him. But his aura of invulnerability protected him. They sparked out and blocked her attacks. And he simply watched the [Druid] transform into a large goat with six horns.

Daniel narrowed his eyes at that. He wondered what the [Druid]’s plan was with that form. It was an [Oxgoat]. Not really a dangerous monster by any means, but high-leveled and known for its speed.

Kali’natha stumbled back as her assault on the Elfslayer failed. She turned around, looking for help from the [Druid].

“Vla’di, what are you—”

And the [Druid] sprinted out the gates of the Fallen City of the Stars. Daniel blinked, watching as the goat-like creature blurred, moving faster than he could see.

Kali’natha paused when she realized what was going on.


She shouted after her fleeing teammate. Yves looked at her, then turned towards the empty gates. He sighed.

“It’s too late to run away.”

Kali’natha glanced at him, hearing what he whispered. And he took a step forward, before he swatted her to the side. She screamed as she was sent flying into the walls of the city. Daniel recoiled, and the black brickstone cracked from the force of her crash.

The [Hero] looked at her crumpled figure— she was writhing on the ground in pain. Then he looked back up, and Yves was gone. Daniel frowneed, before hearing a yelp from outside of the Fallen City of the Stars. He watched as a figure was thrown over the walls and into the courtyard.

The [Druid]’s [Oxgoat] figure landed with a heavy thud, and Yves strode casually back into the courtyard, dusting his hands off.

“Bad. No running away. I told you, I might have spared one of you if you had tried to run immediately. But you misread your predicament. So you all have to pay for your poor judgment. It’s called collective punishment— and it’s a good thing.”

Yves shook his head like a disappointed teacher, still wearing a small smirk on his face. But the [Druid] didn’t care. His body began to misshapen once more, this time shrinking even more in size into that of a bat-like creature— an [Esos Vurat], an evolved version of a [Vurat]. He started to fly into the air, trying to escape from the back of the Fallen City of the Stars.

And the Elfslayer stared for a moment, the smile vanishing from his lips. He looked down at his feet and picked up a pebble.

“Just trying to escape, huh? You’re really no fun.”

Yves muttered under his breath, aiming for the flying [Esos Vurat]. Then he flicked the pebble out. It shot forward like a railgun— it kicked up a plume of dust in the courtyard. Daniel flinched as he saw the pebble blast through the air.

And it struck the [Druid] in an instant, shredding his bat-like body apart. The sheer impact of the pebble striking him completely ripped apart his wings and left a gaping hope in his chest. His body reshaped back into that of an Elf, and he dropped from the sky, dead.

Daniel stared for a moment, pure disbelief in his eyes. He tried to register the fact that all it took was a single pebble to kill an Elite Elf that the [Hero] struggled to fight even with the Sword of Alexander and a Fruit of Y’gdrazil.

Yves didn’t seem to care much about what he just did, instead striding casually up towards the collapsed Kali’natha.

“What about you? Are you still alive?”

He asked as he came to a halt before her. In response, she threw her shortsword at him. The Watcher didn’t even dodge. He let the blade strike his aura of invulnerability, before he knelt down next to her.

“So what am I going to do about you? Do I give you a quick death? Do I give you a slow death? Or do I interrogate you for information?”

Yves placed a hand on his chin. Hearing that, Daniel pursed his lips. He was tempted to get back up and stop the Elfslayer from carrying out any unnecessary torture.

But Yves continued to wonder aloud to himself.

“Although… I don’t really have any questions I’m dying to you, either.”

“You may take pleasure in your victory here, Elfslayer.”

Kali’natha snarled at him, raising her head weakly. Her body was bloodied and bruised. Her bones were clearly broken from being thrown into the walls of the Fallen City of Stars. But still, she glared defiantly at the Elfslayer.

“But just so you know, you will not win the war.”


Yves gave her an amused look. He placed his hands on his cheeks, eyeing her curiously.

“Do tell.”

He pressed her to elaborate. And Kali’natha laughed where she lay.

“You truly do not understand, do you? Even with your return, and even with your [Hero], it matters not. You may have a hundred Fruits of Y’gdrazil— you may even have the Treasures of Alexander on your side— but the outcome remains the same. After all…”

Her body twitched. She raised an army and steadied herself against the wall. She tried to force herself to her feet.

“Dominion As’triel is far stronger than even you.”

“Is she, now?”

The Elfslayer quirked a brow curiously. Kali’natha sneered at him as she stood on wobbly legs. She spread her arms wide, laughing maniacally.

“That is right. She has ascended to a level even you cannot comprehend. She has reached the final Class advancement— one that even you have yet to reach! The first in a thousand years to overcome that barrier of mortality! She has reached Level… 200.”

That made Yves visibly react. His eyes flickered, and Daniel’s jaw dropped. The [Hero] couldn’t believe his ears. And Kali’natha gloated, seeing their shocked reactions.

“You do not stand a chance of victory. IIf she were here right now, you would be squashed under the palm of her hand like the bug you are—”


Yves cut her off, thrusting out his right hand straight into Kali’natha’s chest. She didn’t even have time to flinch as his fingers pierced straight through her heart. He drew back, and she collapsed to the ground lifelessly.

“I’d win.”

The Elfslayer casually spoke as he cleaned off his bloodied hand. Daniel stared wide-eyed for a moment, processing the fact that it was finally over. Their pursuers were all dead. Yves turned around to face the [Hero].

“You alright?”

Those words broke Daniel out of his stupor. He slowly rose to his feet as he nodded.

“I’m fine. But…”

The [Hero] looked down at the woman lying at his feet. The injured [Crusader] who tried to save him.

“Kacey is—”


Yves tapped a ring on his finger, and there was a flash of light. A potion appeared in Daniel’s hand as the white-haired man explained.

“That’s a Potion of Regeneration— it’ll help her survive.”

“Thank you.”

Daniel quickly poured it down Kacey’s mouth. Her wounds began to knit shut, and he took a sip from the potion as well. He wiped his mouth as he began to recover.

“You guys are really making me burn through Ivonne’s stock.”

Yves commented as he placed his hands on his hips. He glanced back towards the castle, eyeing the open double doorway. There was a mountain of gold and artifacts just lying there, filling a vast circular chamber.

“Luckily, I have my own treasure trove locked up here in the Fallen City of the Stars. Although… I won’t be so generous with those.”


Daniel lowered the Potion of Regeneration as he stared at the white-haired man. It was almost difficult for the [Hero] to comprehend. One moment, Ivonne Vigil had been standing there. And the next, she was now the Watcher. The Elfslayer. The highest-leveled [Warrior] in all the Human Lands. The very same one who had disappeared for decades.

There were so many questions racing through Daniel’s mind right now, but he only asked one of them.

“So what happens now?”

Daniel asked as he swept his gaze over the Fallen City of the Stars. Yves chuckled, waving a hand dismissively.

“What happens now? Isn’t it quite obvious?”

The Watcher held out two fingers.

“Two main things need to be done. First of all, I need to uphold the promise I made to you as Ivonne and restore that broken sword of yours.”

Daniel blinked, almost forgetting about the deal he made regarding the Primordial Longsword. And Yves continued, shaking his head.

“Secondly, the Human Lands are in desperate need of a hero right about now. The world is undergoing drastic changes. Many powerful players are planning and scheming, and Humankind needs someone to save them. Not just from the invading Elves, but also to help them repel the Demon King.”

Here he was, Yves Virgil, the Watcher, the Elfslayer, the Light in the Dark, and the Strongest of the Human Lands. He went by many names, and there was much mystery shrouding his history. But when he was needed the most, he had finally made his return. To save all of Humankind.

“That is why I have decided—”

Daniel watched the white-haired man in awe and admiration. And Yves continued with a grin, bringing his thumb to his chest.

“I’m going to be taking you in as my apprentice.”

And that made Daniel pause.

“Wait, what?”

For a moment, the [Hero] from Earth paused to process what was just said. Then he worked his jaw.

“But… why?”

Yves just waved his hands dismissively as he replied.

“So you can save the Human Lands for me, of course.”


Daniel stared, still in utter disbelief. Yves Virgil strode back and headed for the open doors of the castle.

“Now, come on. Stop standing around like an idiot. We have much training to do.”

And Daniel repeated himself once more.


Defeated [Archmagus Druid - Lvl. 174]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

Defeated [Warmaster Champion - Lvl. 169]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

Defeated [Mystic Huntress - Lvl. 176]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

Class [Hero Of Demon And Man] Level Up!

[Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 147] -> [Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 148]!

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

Class [Hero Of Demon And Man] Level Up!

[Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 148] -> [Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 149]!

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

Class [Hero Of Demon And Man] Level Up!

[Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 149] -> [Hero Of Demon And Man - Lvl 150]!

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

[Class Advancement Available]

[Title Available]

Author's Notes:

Nah, I'd win.

Read next chapter here 



„Nah Id win“ Bro is clearly Gojo


Feels like the first sentence is not finished: “a power so rare that most of Humankind, and all the other Species in Nexeus.. But that wasn’t what the [Hero] from Earth’s attention was focused on.”