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Noele had to leave Wolfwater. She enjoyed her time back in her hometown, but she had grown complacent while she was back here. Her growth had slowed significantly, and she spent most of her days sparring without any real progress.

It was nice. It was relaxing. However, it was also holding her back. This was quite evident by how she had put off her Class advancement for so long. It was exemplified by how it took being nearly murdered by Nolan the Noble Knight and his team for her to actually grow stronger.

And it was because she was not put in any situation with real danger. She hadn’t pushed herself to her limits. So she couldn’t grow in any meaningful manner.

Noele understood this. That was one of the reasons why she decided to leave. However, that wasn’t the main reason she made this decision. After all, there was no reason for her to strive so hard to get stronger, right?

Except— now she had a reason. Now, she knew that the World System itself might be evil. And she needed to know more. To uncover the truth behind this web of lies that had muddled history for tens of thousands of years.

To do that, she needed to look further into the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns. They were the only ones who were even aware that there was something wrong with the World System. They could shed some light to her. And not just that— she needed to stop them. Because they were acting to carry out the will of the Void. Their goal was to bring about the destruction of all Vacuos.

And someone needed to stop them. Perhaps Amelia could do something about it. But the brown-haired woman was too busy running her restaurant. Not only that— she would also only ever intervene to protect the world if there was no other choice left in the matter.

Noele knew her master. So that was why the blonde girl decided to act. To tackle two issues at once. Both the question of the World System, and the threat of the Void.

“I am leaving Wolfwater,” she said as closed her eyes. “I shall hunt down the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns, and I will uncover the truth behind the World System. I will do what must be done.”

The Noble Spellsword raised her head, fully resolved to do whatever it took. She was prepared for her master to protest. After all, Amelia might have wanted Noele to stay and help with the restaurant. But instead of arguing about it—

“That’s a good idea,” Amelia said instantly. “It’ll be a good next step in your training.”

Noele blinked a few times as she stared at the brown-haired woman. Well… it was a bit hard to see through the veil of a hundred giant bees. But still, the blonde girl just gaped in confusion.

“You’re not against me leaving Wolfwater? You know I won’t be able to help out anymore, right? And wait— training? What do you even mean by training?”

Amelia waved a hand dismissively as she took a step back. “I have plenty of help now, with Jax and Arthur and Edlyn. So you don’t need to worry about me. And what do you mean by what do I mean by training?”

“It’s exactly what it sounds like,” Noele said as she shook her head.

“I’m your mentor, remember?” Amelia replied casually.

The blonde girl just pursed her lips. “That is true. But you haven’t really given me any… actual training.”

“What do you mean by that? Come on— remember that time I, uh…” For a moment, Amelia hesitated, biting her lower lip.

Noele continued to stare at her master.

Amelia mulled over it for another second. And then she snapped her fingers as she looked up. “ Remember that time I dropped you in that cave full of giant centipedes?”

“That was literally the only time you ever trained me. It was also the first time we met. It has been almost a year since then.”

“Has it really been nearly a year?” Amelia blinked, before whistling. “Wow, time really flies when you’re having fun.”

“Amelia…” Noele gave her master a flat stare.

Amelia sighed then shrugged. “Look, I know I’m not the best mentor. But I do think this will be good for you. That’s why I’m all for it. Just— don’t die, or whatever.”

“Thanks, I’ll try my best.” The blonde girl rolled her eyes as she took a step back.

Honestly, she should have expected this from her master by now. And the fact that Amelia seemed to be at least a little bit worried was nice to hear.

“Seriously, though,” Amelia said as she spoke over the buzzing of the baby bastion bees. “You have already painted quite a large target on your back, considering everything you’ve done. The Sect of the Abyssal Thorns definitely want you dead. You should be careful.”

“That’s true. But I’m already aware of that. That’s another reason why I should do this.” Noele shook her head.

Amelia raised a brow. “So you can get back at them for all the times they’ve attacked you?”

“Partially that, sure,” the blonde girl said with a nod. “However, more importantly, I’ll be away from Wolfwater. So the town will be safe and unaffected.”

“I mean, I’m here,” Amelia said with a shrug. “I’m pretty sure the town is quite safe with me around to protect it.”

In response, Noele could only grimace. That made her master blink.

“What? You don’t trust me?”

“...sorry to say, Amelia, but I don’t really think you’re that reliable,” Noele finally said, trying to put it as lightly as possible.

“I’ve saved your life, like, a dozen times,” the brown-haired woman protested.

And Noele replied accusingly. “After you endangered it just as many times!”

“Well… that’s besides the point.” Amelia shrank back and scratched the back of her head. “Now, I won’t be there to save if things go bad.”

“But that’s the point,” Noele said as she looked down at herself. She placed a hand on her chest and met her master’s gaze. “How can I grow if I don’t test myself? How can I grow if I don’t push myself to my limits? How can I grow if you’re always there to save me? That’s why I need to go. For myself, for those I love, and for the sake of the world.”

The brown-haired woman stared at her student for a long moment. The two remained locked in silence— besides the buzzing of the bastion bees.

Finally, Amelia casually remarked, “You’re really quite the hero, aren’t you? Well, as I said at the start, I think this is a good idea. You should go ahead, although don’t get yourself in too much trouble. And make sure you stop by from time to time, alright?”

“Of course.” Noele smiled in return, seeing the genuine care on her master’s face. “How can I resist returning to try more of your amazing cooking?”

“Now you’re just patronizing me.” Amelia rolled her eyes, before giving a small smile.

Noele was glad this went over smoothly. But next up, she had to bid farewell to her parents. And that might play out a little bit more difficult.

Author's Notes:

What thonk?

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