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648. Past Lives


It was a Fruit of Y’gdrazil.

Daniel had only ever heard about it before. It was spoken of in the same breath as a Mythical Grade Artifact. It was something that was so rare, supposedly only a hundred of them were produced every century.

And yet, Ivonne Vigil had not just one, but two of them in hand. She casually offered both fruits to both Daniel and Kacey. They stared wide-eyed at what they had been given for a long moment, before the [Crusader] began to sputter.

“H-how do you have this?”

She asked with wide eyes, looking up at the [Trader] and nearly dropping her Fruit of Y’gdrazil.

“I heard it was all destroyed— when the Elves attacked your auction in Mavos Academy!”

“While most of my stock was indeed destroyed, I kept a handful of these wonderful fruits for myself. After all, a good [Trader] knows to keep a secret stash of her most precious goods for herself.”

Ivonne smiled as she nodded back at the [Crusader]. She turned around and walked up to the ornate doorway. Daniel stared at her for a moment, before looking down at the Fruit of Y’gdrazil he had been given. He decided against questioning it like Kacey. Instead, he just nodded at himself as he took his first bite from the fruit.

“Alright. How long must we hold off the Elves?”

Daniel had already used up his [A Hero’s Rage]. And the passive effects of his other [Hero] Skill— [The Will Of The Hero]— couldn’t be used alongside the Fruit of Y’gdrazil. So it was only useful for its one-off temporary protective aura when it was activated for the first time.

All that remained was his [Hero’s Slash]. While it was useful, it was far weaker than his Temporary Skills like his [Heroic Champion’s Slash].

So even with the Fruit of Y’gdrazil, up against three Elves who had already undergone their Class advancement, while being over 20 levels above him, he didn’t think he could survive for long. Especially if the other two Elves had Grand Skills of their own.

The [Hero] shook his head, resolving himself nonetheless. He continued to chew through the rubbery texture of the Fruit of Y’gdrazil as Ivonne Vigil craned her neck back to face him.

“Worry not, Daniel Song. It should not take long. But before I begin, I have a question for you.”

“Now is not the time, Ivonne.”

The young man from Earth said as he narrowed his eyes. But she ignored him. All she did was continue looking at him curiously.

“You told me that you wish to return back to your home, do you not?”

She asked in a soft voice. Daniel shook his head.

“I do not wish to go back. But I must. I have to.”

He replied simply as he took another bite from the Fruit of Y’gdrazil. He was halfway finished with it now, and he began to feel its power coursing through him.

“But do you not prefer your new life?”

Ivonne asked, tilting her head at him.

“Do you not love the life you have made here in the Nexeus?”

And that made the [Hero] from Earth pause. He closed his eyes as her words echoed in his mind. For a moment, he remembered everything he had gone through here in this world.

He remembered being summoned for the first time. He recalled how he felt when he thought he was truly respected by the people of the Elutra Kingdom— the sheer confidence of being loved and admired he had never experienced in his previous life.

And then he remembered everything that came after. Both the good and the bad. From being discovered he had been lied to, to drunkenly wasting his days away in a bar. Then he thought of his first encounter with Salvos— the memories he spent with her.

Not just her. But the moments he shared with Edithe. Amanda. And even Kacey.

All these moments flooded back to him as he raised his head. And he met Ivonne’s gaze.

“I do.”

He whispered, and the [Trader] quirked a brow.

“So why not just remain in this world? Why not just keep to your new life?”

And Daniel closed his eyes. This time, he didn’t think about everything he had been through here in the Nexeus. Instead, he recalled his time back on Earth.

It was miserable. Far more miserable than the time he spent here. Because he had felt so worthless. Like his life had no meaning. He would simply waste away in his room as time passed like it didn’t matter.

But then he recalled a girl. Her name was Emily. She had long brown hair, and she had beautiful brown eyes. Some would say that she looked rather plain— that she was just the average girl. However, to Daniel, she was the kindest, most sweet and beautiful girl in the world.

She was someone who believed in him. Someone who always encouraged him to be better. Someone who gave him a chance. And someone who died in an accident, risking her life to save another.

And that was not the only light he saw back from Earth. He thought of his parents. He thought of all those who loved him. Then he raised his head as he opened his eyes.

“I want to stay, Ivonne. I do not want to go back. But I cannot just pretend my past life didn’t exist.”

The [Hero] from Earth took a final bite from the rubbery fruit before tossing its spindly core aside. He turned around and drew the Sword of Alexander. He was overcome by its Temporary Skills as he felt a surge of strength from the Fruit of Y’gdrazil wash over him.

“If I wish to truly be a [Hero], then I cannot abandon my responsibility and duty to those I love back on Earth.”

He paused as he saw Emily’s smiling face for a moment.

“...even if they’re gone.”

Daniel said the last part quietly to himself. And for a moment, Ivonne Vigil just stared at him, the expression on her face shifting, but still unreadable to him. Finally, she nodded as she turned away and faced the doorway.

“I understand.”

And without saying another word, she brought a hand forward, placing it on the magic circle protecting the door. Daniel watched as the spell flickered, then turned. It moved clockwise— like it was a lock being picked open.

Then the [Hero] looked towards the front of the Fallen City of the Stars and out towards the cliff edge in the distance. He narrowed his eyes as he saw a thin mist begin to rise up to cover the gray rock ground. He saw shadows moving there, and he heard a thunderous crack.

“They’re here.”

Daniel stepped forward as he glanced back towards Kacey. She had finished her own Fruit of Y’gdrazil too. But she was far too low-leveled to help, even with its aid.

“Stay back.”

“I can help. Please.”

The [Crusader] spoke insistently as she drew her weapons. Daniel’s eyes flickered back to her for a moment, then he saw a looming shadow move through the mist, followed by two smaller figures.


Daniel relented as the towering shadowed figure began to morph, shrinking in size back to the shape of an Elf right as it reached the edge of the mist.

“But you can only jump in when it looks like I’m in trouble, alright?”


Kacey nodded as she took a step back, and Daniel watched the three Elves emerge from the mist. There they were. All three of them. Tiny in stature— almost unintimidating. Nothing like the elegant elves the young man saw in movies back in Earth.

But they were terrifyingly strong. Even more dangerous than most of the highest-leveled Elites in the Human Lands.

[Druid - Lvl. 174]

[Warrior - Lvl. 169]

[Archer - Lvl. 176]

Daniel sucked in a deep breath as he marched forward to meet them at the gates of the castle. Was this even a battle he could survive? He didn’t know. But he knew he had to fight. He knew he had no other choice.

Because he had to survive. He had to go back to his world. So he couldn’t die here.

The [Hero] didn’t hesitate as he came to a halt right before the three Elves. He only glanced back once to see Ivonne’s progress. Whatever magic lock had been placed on that doorway must have been strong. It looked like it still had a little bit longer to open.

“So you have given up on running, [Hero] of the Human Lands?”

Kali’natha spoke mockingly as he raised the Sword of Alexander.

“I gave up on running away years ago, Elf.”

“How brave. But that bravery shall be your undoing.”

She laughed, then raised her bow. In an instant, she unleashed a volley of arrows his way. But Daniel didn’t even bother to dodge. He just charged forward, tanking the shots as an iridescent aura seemed to ripple over his body, protecting him from the attack.

It was a Temporary Skill given to him by the Sword of Alexander. A [Heroic Aura of Protection]. It was more powerful than even an [Aura of Greater Protection], although less so than a [Superior Aura of Greater Protection]. But it didn’t offer a passive aura of protection unlike most protective aura artifacts.

It had to be activated, and it could only last for half an hour at most before coming to an end. It was not ideal to use in a battlefield, but for a duel like this, it was enough to protect the [Hero] until it was broken from the accumulated attacks.

So Daniel tanked the onslaught of long-ranged attacks from the [Mystic Huntress]. She rapidly backed away, but he was able to keep up with her speed. Before he could reach her, the [Druid] moved.

Daniel blinked as roots sprouted out of the ground, intercepting him. He tried to cut his way through at first. The Sword of Alexander able to even slice apart a city’s wall. But the roots kept growing, faster and faster until it rose up like a small rainforest.

“[A Hundred Quick Strikes]!”

With a shout, Daniel tore through the forest, only to be met with the bulky Elven [Warrior] grinning before him, a giant warhammer raised in the air. The [Hero] blinked as the warhammer grew in size tenfold.

And the [Warrior] swung down as a crimson aura overcame the weapon. Daniel was sent flying back, protected only by the [Heroic Aura of Protection].

He crashed into the walls of the city. But the black and purple stone didn’t budge. It didn’t even crack. He collapsed to the ground as he gritted his teeth, looking back up at the trio of Elves before him. They were laughing.

Even though Daniel had been empowered by the Fruit of Y’gdrazil and the Sword of Alexander, they were still laughing at him. Because their teamwork was impeccable. Because they knew they were going to win. And Daniel knew he was going to lose.

Still, the [Hero] rose back to his feet. He charged at them as they surrounded him. As they assailed him from all sides. He didn’t give up. He fought back, deflecting the oncoming arrows and dispelling the ensnaring magic.

Even if he knew he was outmatched, he didn’t falter. He traded blows with the [Warrior]. He broke the [Druid]’s staff. And he even landed a deep slash across Kali’natha’s chest.

She screamed as she leapt back away from him, and he moved to finish her off. But before he could get close, she was pulled away by the [Druid]’s roots. Daniel gritted his teeth and the Sword of Alexander shimmered with an iridescent light. He screamed and swung up towards her, even from a distance, and a pillar of light blasted out straight at her.

“[Heroic Champion’s Slash]!”

However, the [Warrior] stepped in front of him as a white aura flashed.

“[Like A Mountain, I Will Never Fall]!”

The [Warrior] bellowed, and he tanked the full force of the attack, even as his skin seemed to burn. Daniel stared at that display of might in shock for a moment.

“That was a Grand—”

And Kali’natha loosed a piercing arrow straight at the [Hero]. There was a flicker of light when it struck him, before an explosion sent him flying back. The [Heroic Aura of Protection] shattered as he skidded back through the gates of the city.

He was bleeding as he tried to get back to his feet. And [Druid] pointed at him, spraying a blast of acid his way. Daniel blinked, and Kacey screamed.


She ran forward and raised her shield.

“[The Valkyrie’s Protection]!”

The shield flashed with a protective aura. But the acid still melted through it, dripped onto the [Crusader]’s skin. She screamed as she stumbled back, her left arm melting away.


Daniel gritted his teeth and forced himself up as she dropped on one knee with wide eyes. The [Warrior] loomed over her, swinging down with the warhammer. But Daniel blocked the attack. He kicked the [Warrior] back as he glanced down at Kacey's injured state, then looked back up to Ivonne.

“How much longer?”

He shouted as he saw the magic circle over the doorway shifting. The aloof [Trader] glanced back fractionally, and she ignored his question.

“I never realized how much of a fool I was until I met you, Daniel Song.”


Daniel blinked at her response, then gritted his teeth as he looked back up at the three Elves. The [Warrior] picked himself up as the other two landed next to him, and they made their way through the gates of the castle.

Kali’natha raised her bow as an arrow blazing with powerful magic was aimed at the [Hero]. He took a wide stance, bracing for it. And she loosed it his way.

“[Blossoming Deathstrike].”

She whispered, and the arrow shot forward. Daniel raised the Sword of Alexander to block it, but the arrow suddenly swerved to the side. His eyes went wide as the attack paved a crooked path towards him, before shooting straight for his heart.

“[The Will Of The Hero].”

Daniel screamed just in time for a flash of white light to overcome him. It deflected the oncoming arrow, saving him from his death. He stumbled back as he could barely stand. And the three Elves drew closer.

He glanced back once more, shouting at the [Trader].


“You die here, [Hero].”

Kali’natha snarled as she nocked another arrow on her bow. And there was a click.

The magic circle stopped spinning. The intricate design in its center began to unfurl. Ivonne took a step to the side and faced the courtyard.

“It is done.”

She said, then the double doors swung open as a powerful blast of wind exploded out. Daniel, Kacey, and the three Elves were sent flying back as the strong gust knocked them all off their feet.

Daniel caught Kacey, then grabbed hold of the gates as the gust of wind continued blowing for a moment. The [Druid] conjured up some roots to catch himself and the other Elves from falling off the cliff. The wind gushed out for a moment longer. Until, finally, it dissipated.

And Daniel collapsed to the ground, clutching onto Kacey as he panted.

“What was that?”

He asked as he looked up, trying to regain his bearings. His head spun, and his vision was in a daze. But he quickly pinpointed where Ivonne stood when he heard her voice.

“To think it would take a [Hero] from another world to help me see the error of my ways.”

The [Trader] spoke simply as she stood before the open double doors. Behind her, Daniel caught a glimpse of several glinting objects amongst a mountain of gold. But he barely paid attention to any of that.

Instead, his gaze focused on Ivonne as she raised a crystal vial in her hand.

“But you are correct— that I have a duty to my past life.”

She spoke to no one in particular, uncorking the vial. She placed it against her lips as the Elves gathered themselves and returned to the courtyard.


Kali’natha narrowed her eyes as she raised her bow. But Ivonne ignored the Elves, continuing on.

“To those that I love. To those that love me.”

And she closed her eyes. Daniel blinked, seeing her lips move as she whispered something to herself. But even though he couldn’t hear her. He knew what she said.

“Even if they are already gone.”

With that, she took a sip from the vial. And her body began to change. The Elves paused, watching as Ivonne’s skin rippled. Her face shifted. Her long hair began to change color, turning white, and growing shorter.

She stepped forward, walking as she grew taller. As her clothes no longer fit her body. As scars began to form on her skin.

“What is going on?”

The [Warrior] asked in confusion, and the [Druid] whispered.

“That was a Potion of True Transformation…”

Daniel looked up with round eyes, realizing what was going on. He stared at Ivonne Vigil— and realized she was Ivonne Vigil no more. Instead, she… no, he was now someone else.

“Who are you?”

Kali’natha asked as the strange white-haired man that was once Ivonne Vigil came to a halt before the three Elves. He glanced at Daniel once, then looked back towards them with the same strange smile on his face.

“I go by many names.”

He replied simply as he continued to stride forward fearlessly. The Elves backed away, hearing him speak, their eyes growing wide in fear— in realization of who this was.

“Some have called me the Light in the Dark. Others have called me the Strongest of the Human Lands. More recently, they call me the Watcher.”

Kali’natha’s clenched a fist when she heard him say that. Daniel gaped as he nearly dropped the Sword of Alexander. Even Kacey, as injured as she was, seemed to look up from where she lay in disbelief.

“And while perhaps it was an appropriate name for the last few decades, I have decided today that I shall watch no longer. So now, you may call me Yves Virgil the E—”

And Kali’natha moved, instantly loosing a blazing arrow at the man. But he simply caught it right before it reached his chest. Its flames instantly snuffed out.

Yves sighed as he looked down at the arrow, then snapped it in half.

“The Elfslayer.”

[Warrior - Lvl. 194]

Author's Notes:

What thonk?

Read next chapter here 



That was an amazing chapter. Daniel's dialogue was also really damn good. The reveal from Ivonne to being the Watcher was just so badass. Level 194 damn


I knew she was something more, although, I thought she was a demon from long ago or Mellissa