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A few years ago, in October of 2020, I came up with the idea of a novel about a Demon girl called Salvos. Now, on its third-year anniversary, I am finally releasing a print edition of the novel for the very first time!

Despite its massive success, I never thought of doing a paperback edition of the novel because I refused to use Amazon's low quality print on demand books for my novels. But a few months ago, an opportunity came up with Merrick Books, and after a lot of deliberation and work to make it come through, I am very proud to announce the Kickstarter of the Salvos paperback and hardcover is finally up!


If the project is fully funded and all its goals are hit, you will receive a signed high-quality book with custom artworks and even a map of (part of) the world! Seriously, it is a much higher quality book than Amazon's print on demand, so the rewards are definitely worth it if you've been looking to finally have a physical copy of Salvos!

This is one of the most exciting things I've done this year. And I've done... a lot.

Anyway, here's a sample of the artwork you'll find in the book edition! 

Pledge now and get the very first physical copies of Salvos! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1943799137/salvos-book-1-an-epic-litrpg-fantasy-novel


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