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And there you have it! The opening scene of Amelia shown in Webtoon form!

I'm ngl, I've been working on this since December of 2022. That's right, I've been working on this since the FIRST month Amelia came out, since if you don't already know, I have had experience with making another comic for my other series, Salvos. But just like with the Salvos webcomic, I have run into a ton of complications in the production of this. Without going into too much detail, this is the FIFTH artist I am working with for the Amelia webtoon, but unlike the others, this one seems like it'll stick.

Anyway, just like the Salvos webtoon, the estimated cost of the Amelia comic is going to be around $100k, which I will be self-funding, and once again, I'm not cheaping out on the quality of the art. Unlike other authors who have comics that are funded by companies or publishers, I am fronting the cost entirely on my own to ensure that there are no significant changes made to the story. So... I really need your support at this time if you're willing to subscribe to my patreon.

I've even made some patreon changes!

I have increased my patreon rewards across all relevant tiers to offer more chapters ahead than previously offered! So now my rewards are:

$5 for 5 chapters ahead (previously 3 chapters ahead) + comic previews
$10 for 21 chapters ahead (previously 15 chapters ahead) with the goal of reaching 25 chapters by the end of the year! + comic previews

Seriously, consider subscribing to my patreon, because not only will you be supporting the Amelia webtoon, you'll also gain access to more rewards than ever before!

MelasDelta | Writing Web Serials / Web Comics | Patreon

Now, who's going to be the distributor for the Amelia Webtoon? Well, I already have a distributor locked in, but I don't believe I can reveal any information just yet, so that will have to remain a secret for now. Just know that I will be making a few minor changes in the webcomic, but the general outline of the plot will progress the same way! So if you're a novel reader, you don't need to read the webcomic if you don't want to.

But you should anyway, because it's really cool. Check out these preview panels if you don't believe me!

Look at those effects!

Unimpressed Amelia!

And here's some DBZ shit!

To wrap up:

Again, this is going to be a full-on Webtoon production, just like the Salvos comic. I have put in so much of my time and money into make this work out, so I really would appreciate any support you can show me by either spreading the word about Amelia as a story or checking out my Patreon and its updated rewards <3

Release date is ETA mid 2024.

Thank you all for reading as always!



Now that's some Noice art. Love the sword cutting the frame. Though maybe it should have cut the frame the lich is in after as well? Looks fine as is though, gets the point across ^^


"TREMBLE BEFORE THE MIGHT OF AR'ELITH, THE FIRST LICH KI- why can't I feel my everything?"


Very nice! Was starting to wonder what was going on when I didn't see an Amelia chapter post for a long time.


Uh, just so you know, Amelia has been updating every week. You should scroll back to check out the chapters you've missed.


Odd, mobile app is messed up appperently. Last Amelia chapter post I can see on there was from Aug. 30, but on the website though I can see all the latest ones. Oh well, time to ditch the mobile app again. Thanks for the heads up! (woould've taken me longer to realize otherwise)


I think that's correct since you're on the $5 tier, you're getting chapters at a delay, not the latest ones being posted.