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629. Red Pests


[Junior Centinel - Lvl 55]

[Junior Centinel - Lvl 57]

[Junior Centinel - Lvl 61]

Rachel saw the three [Junior Centinels] standing before her. Each one of them was significantly higher-leveled than she was. She was only a Level 45 [Phantom Mage], having barely leveled since she enrolled in Mavos Academy. And even though each one was a swarm monster, she was realistic— she knew she couldn’t take them all on on her own.

But she didn’t scream. She calmed herself and backed up warily, scanning the room. This was Salvos’ Lair. Surely there had to be some artifacts that could save her here. With her [Passive - Camouflage], she was able to naturally blend into the background for a moment before they spotted her, hiding in plain sight, before she activated her [Shadow Stealth], letting her fully escape from their view.

Certainly, the [Junior Centinels] would take notice of her soon, but she had her chance to evaluate her predicament as they slowly crawled through the room. She heard their skittering feet. She watched as their mandibles clicked, and their antennae swayed in search of her.

This is bad… the thought crossed Rachel’s mind as she backed up to the rock wall. All she saw from where she stood was a bunch of books and coins lying around. There was nothing here that could save her. All she could do was hope that she could outrun the [Junior Centinels], not even with a chance to fight back.

Why were these monsters even here? She wanted to question it, but she knew she just had to move. So she slowly inched her way across the perimeter of the cavern. Her gaze never once left the monsters as they spread across the room. One of them knocked over the odd goblet she spotted, spilling a puddle of black water on the ground. Another stayed by the ritual circle, simply clicking its mandibles as it looked around curiously.

The last of the [Junior Centinels] rummaged through a bunch of odd trinkets. Rachel watched as dozens of gold coins went flying and scattering on the ground, before she caught a glimpse of a glinting object amongst that mess. She blinked as she saw a strange-looking ring roll to a halt at the base of the monster. It emanated a magical aura that immediately drew her attention towards it.

That’s…? Her brows snapped together.

[Ring of Lesser Protection: Medium Grade Armor - A ring enchanted with a Lesser Protection spell.]

Huh. Rachel stared at the artifact for a moment, before looking back up at the third [Junior Centinel]. It was still distracted, knocking over a useless set of broken boots. The first [Junior Centinel] had its attention elsewhere too. But the second—

The young girl froze when she realized it was staring directly at her. It hadn’t seen her just yet, but its antennae twitched as it drew closer. Its undulating body skittered forward, wanting to investigate in her direction. And Rachel was left with two choices.

She could hope that the second [Junior Centinel] didn’t notice her as it crawled her way, or she could make a break for it before it had the chance to take notice of her. The moment she made a sudden movement, she knew her [Shadow Stealth] would come to an end. All three monsters were going to pounce on her, and she would be ripped apart.

So Rachel took in a deep breath as she lowered her hand to her waist. There, she rested her palm against the hilt of her dagger as she eyed the approaching [Junior Centinel]. It clicked its mandibles together as its face drew close to her.

And when she could feel its hot breath blowing against her hair, she moved.

“Take this— [Savage Strike]!”

Rachel swung up with her dagger as it flashed, slashing at the [Junior Centinel]’s mandibles. The monster reeled back in pain and screeched as she cut the chitin on its cheeks open. But she wasn’t done. She flipped her dagger around as she spun and dealt a second blurring blow.

“And [Phasing Backstab]!”

It was like Rachel hadn’t even swung out at the monster. It was a follow-up attack that was so quick, she was already pulling back and running off before the [Junior Centinel] realized it had been stabbed a second time. The monster recoiled as the young girl’s gaze darted towards the glinting object right ahead of her.

The remaining [Junior Centinels] turned their attention towards her, screeching in anger. But she ignored them as she took a single step forward.

“Now… [Force Step]!”

And she leapt forward like she was propelled by an invisible aura. She flipped through the air, aiming for the Ring of Lesser Protection lying on the ground right behind the third [Junior Centinel]. The monster looked up at her as she dove to the ground, before lashing out at her with its mandibles.

But the [Phantom Mage] narrowly dodged the attack as she landed on the ground with a roll, before grabbing the artifact. She deftly slipped the ring onto the finger with a grin on her face.

Rachel’s body flickered as she felt the enchantments of the Ring of Lesser Protection activating. An aura overcame her— invisible to the naked eye, but she could see its magic. It would guard her from any attack as long. To a certain extent, at the very least.

She nodded to herself as she rose to her feet, eyeing the exit…

And her entire body flashed as the [Junior Centinel]’s tail struck her from behind. The attack sent her flying as she gritted her teeth.

Shouldn’t have let my guard down… she thought as she barely landed on her feet. Fortunately for her, the Ring of Lesser Protection took the brunt of the attack. But now as she regained her bearings, she saw the three [Junior Centinels] gathering together in the center of the Lair to face her. The injured monster led the trio, snarling as its angry gaze bore down on the young girl.

“Um… bye?”

Rachel waved at them, then spun around and took off sprinting as fast as she could. But the [Junior Centinels] didn’t just let her go, of course. She heard their screeches, and without even looking back, she knew they were hot on her tail.

She navigated her way through a thicket of trees, before glancing back for a brief moment. There, she saw the [Junior Centinels] ripped apart the foliage as they shrieked. It was the injured [Junior Centinel] that moved the fastest. Even though its mouth had been slashed open, its movement was unimpeded.

Perhaps it was driven by its anger from being hurt, but it reached Rachel as she stumbled past a bush.

“Oh no—”

She barely got the word out before she raised her dagger to protect herself. The injured [Junior Centinel] struck out with its sharp legs— a rapid flurry of attacks she barely dodged. She sliced at its underbelly, cutting open its soft chitin and spilling its blood. But before she could follow-up with another strike, the other two monsters crashed into her, sending her flying back as her Ring of Lesser Protection flashed once again.

Rachel rolled to a halt, before looking down at the artifact. She saw it flickering— its magic fading from the onslaught of attacks from the higher-leveled monsters. The young girl shook her head and quickly got to her feet, before ducking under the two leaping [Junior Centinels]. She then looked up just in time to see the injured [Junior Centinel] rushing towards her.

She bit her lower lip, glancing between the two monsters behind her, and the charging one in front of her. She was surrounded. But in that moment, her instincts kicked in, and she knew what to do.

The [Phantom Mage] took a step forward, before a pale blue aura overcame her. She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering all the times she had been trapped in such a predicament. After all, as a little girl running around and fighting monsters, it often got more dangerous for her than the average person because of her young age.

She raised her head, and her eyes turned red as she grinned.

“[Title Skill: Deadly Blitz].”

Rachel dashed forward in a straight line as she swung her dagger. And all around her, ethereal images of her swinging blade seemed to flash. It was as though she had grown half a dozen magical arms, and each one carried a replica of her blade.

And she swung wildly, not even trying to sidestep the charging [Junior Centinel]. The monster struck her with its broken mandibles— it reached her first, but its assault bounced off the Aura of Lesser Protection guarding her. For a moment, the magic held up, before shattering from the force of the attack.

Unfortunately for the injured [Junior Centinel], Rachel got to it next. She unleashed her flurry of strikes as it, ripping apart its chitin as it screeched. It tried to back away from her, but she was relentless, her empowered attacks shredding the monster. She tore straight through the length of its undulating body, before landing as she panted.

Her red eyes faded away, and she looked back at the [Junior Centinel]’s mangled corpse.

Defeated [Junior Centinel - Lvl. 55]

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 10 levels above you!

It had been a wild attack. Reckless, especially if Rachel didn’t have the Ring of Lesser Protection guarding her. But that was how she had earned her Title.

She wasn’t the Child Wonder like everyone called her. Sure, that was an option she had given, but she had rejected it it. She didn’t get to where she was right now by just sitting around and studying all day.. Rather, she went out and fought monsters in secret, risking her life to become stronger.

That was why she was given the Title of the Child Monster.

Rachel spun around and stared at the mangled corpse, before looking towards the remaining [Junior Centinels] as they untangled themselves. They glared at her, and she whispered as she flicked the blood off her blade.

“Two more.”

The [Phantom Mage] was going to have to outrun them somehow. Either that, or she had to separate them and take them out one by one. She took a step back as the [Junior Centinels] looked back towards her, ready to pounce.

But before she could run once again, she blinked, watching as a blurring figure exploded through the trees, tearing straight through the first [Junior Centinel]. Rachel stumbled back from the sudden movement. She tried to steady herself, but as the dust cloud cleared, she looked on as a tall figure ripped the last [Junior Centinel] in half.


Rachel watched as the tall figure rose from the crater, tossing aside the dead [Junior Centinels]. It had happened so fast, she could barely process what happened. But she didn’t run away. Not when she saw the lady standing there before her.


The Child Wonder gaped as she nearly dropped her dagger. But she recognized that middle-age woman anywhere— with long red hair and a stern look on her face. It was all an illusion, of course. But Rachel didn’t care.

Instead, she just took a step forward, staring up at the caretaker of the baby Wyverns.

“How did you…?”

The young girl started, and Centina spun around.

“Come on, Human girl. We shall return to the academy. We need to inform Headmaster Skyshredder about what we saw here.”

Centina spoke briskly, already walking away. Rachel blinked a few times, before she ran forward, giving chase to the false Human.

“What? What are you talking about? What’s happening here?”

“What’s happening?”

Centina repeated after the young girl’s question, fractionally glancing back. Rachel nodded, looking on in confusion.

And Centina just sighed.

“It seems they’ve finally found me. That is what’s happening.”


Rachel blinked, still confused. But Centina continued on without a word.

Author's Notes:

What thonk?

Read next chapter here 



Oh oh! The others are coming!


Quality writing, though I should expect no less!