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623. Living in Exile


“So you are the boy that Regnorex says has potential.”

A wispy voice croaked, echoing throughout the dark chamber. Haec came to a halt right before the large double doors at the front as they closed shut behind him. He swept his gaze over the room and frowned when he saw no one was there.

“Are you… Oracli? I was sent here under the orders of Reg— our King.”

Haec caught himself from slipping up. He had only just been given permission to leave the Expanse and return to the Demon King’s Castle for his accomplishments. Unfortunately, he had to leave Taburas behind. But she promised she’d see him again.

And he hoped for her sake that this was the last time they ever saw each other.

After all, Haec only had two goals. The first was to see Salvos again. And the second was to—

“Tell me, boy.”

The voice boomed, and Haec spun around. Standing there, right before the closed double doors was a thin figure. A frail-looking [Fiend] with a long, white beard. His skin was a pale white and covered with wrinkles, while his horns were small like an [Imp]’s.

Despite his meek stature, he spoke with a voice that could even make Regnorex flinch.

“Why have you come to this place?”

It was a simple question. The shadows in the room receded, replaced by a crimson glow. A weak red flame spread across the perimeters of the room as Haec took a step back.

“I have come here to prove my loyalty and worth to the Demon King.”

Haec spoke resolutely, trying to meet Oracli’s gaze. But the frail Demon snapped.


He fell on all fours and quickly crawled forward. Oracli’s neck extended, stretching forward up to Haec’s face.

“I can sense your intentions. I can tell truths from lies. I know what you want. I know your innermost desires.”

Haec backed away as Oracli’s voice shook the room. What was going on? Haec didn’t know. All he could do was look on with wide eyes as he found his back pressed up against the wall.

“I… I… what?”

Haec sputtered, and Oracli’s eyes were inked black. Oracli’s gaze bore down on the Archdemon as the booming voice continued to echo around them.

“Answer me— tell me what you truly seek.”

“What I seek…?”

Haec repeated after Oracli as his breathing quickened. The Archdemon didn’t know what to say. He felt the burning desire deep within him rise up— threatening to spill out. But he couldn’t reveal what he wanted.

He couldn’t admit that he was just here to find Salvos. It would be a betrayal to the Demon King. Haec knew he would be executed for that.

He closed his eyes as he thought about his secondmost desire. One which he had never revealed to anyone— not even Taburas. It was a simple desire. Perhaps too simple. And perhaps no one would ever suspect it from him.

Not with the way he carried himself. Not with how he acted. However, he had held it deep within him, hiding it and using it as his fuel to grow stronger. To reach where he was today.

Haec opened his eyes and he met Oracli’s gaze. It was no longer so threatening, instead curious. Perhaps sensing the newly-evolved Archdemon’s feelings.

Was it something Haec wanted to reveal? Was it something that Haec wanted to say? Perhaps he didn’t need to admit it in full— perhaps he could obfuscate it and offer a grain of truth. So that was what he did.

Oracli tilted his deformed, elongated head curiously as the Archdemon’s mouth moved.

“I am Haec the Tormentor. [Zelus Fiendlord], and Archdemon of Lust—

Haec inhaled deeply, and spoke from his chest, voicing out the hidden desire he had kept within for so long.

“And I am here to get revenge on those who wronged me.”

There was a moment’s pause, before he added in his head, To kill the Demon King for what he has done.

Haec refused to vocalize the last part, but everything else he said for Oracli to hear. The strange Demon stared at the future Heir of the Netherworld. A moment passed where they locked eyes, the flames in the room flickering for an instant.

And Oracli broke out into laughter. Haec watched as the strange Demon’s neck receded.

“Good… very good…”

Oracli spoke as he strode forward, fixing his head back into place. He walked up to where Haec stood, resolute. The Archdemon refused to waver. And Oracli nodded approvingly.

“You desire vengeance. Do not forget that hatred, boy. Now let us begin your education…”


Haec didn’t know why he recalled such a memory here and now as he heard the words of his evolution echoing in his mind. It was not too long ago, but it wasn’t a recent time either. So he didn’t quite understand the importance of it.

All he knew was that he was lost in his mind, and he was drowning in his memories. From the very first time he met the others to when he lost Salvos to the Mortal Realm. These moments replayed in his head again and again. Everything he did after— all of it played in his mind. And yet, one memory stood out more than the others. That brief moment he shared with Oracli when they met for the first time.

And Haec didn’t know the reason why.

But he dismissed the thoughts. He knew he had to make a decision now, rather than waiting any longer. So he sat there— in the world created by Salvos’ mind. And yet, he was lost only in his thoughts, focused on only the task at hand.

[Evolution Available]

As a Level 150 Archdemon, Haec had undergone an evolution a plethora of times before. So theoretically, this should not have been something he’d be nervous about. But he had delayed undergoing this transformation because of exactly that reason. After all, he was now going to become a Primeval Demon.

It was going to be the most significant evolution he had ever undergone. Well, that could be argued for pretty much every evolution he went through. But this was more true than ever. The gap in levels between an Archdemon and a Primeval Demon was the greatest of any evolution thus far.

When he first learned about it, he thought it was ridiculous. Why did it take 50 levels to become a Primeval Demon from an Archdemon? But then Oracli explained that it meant the power boost from an Archdemon to a Primeval Demon was so significant, it was almost like undergoing two evolutions at a lower level.

Haec almost couldn’t believe it at first. But with how long and difficult it was for him to reach Level 150 compared to reaching Level 100, he now understood just how powerful he would become once he underwent his evolution.

But… for some reason, he waited for a long time before he made his choice. Certainly, it was partly because he knew he had time to make a decision. If he had been pressed to undergo his evolution to survive, he would have done it earlier. But there was more to it than that.

Haec didn’t really understand it himself, but he realized he was nervous. He was afraid of something. Even if he didn’t know what.

However, now he forced himself to confront it. To move forward with his most important evolution yet.

And the words echoed in his mind.

Subspecies Evolution:

[Archdemon of Lust] -> [Primeval Demon of Lust]

Requirements for three Subspecies evolutions have been met!

“Three evolutions?”

Haec was rather surprised by the offer he was given. After all, he was taught that Primeval Demons were often only given two options. To have three was incredibly rare. But he didn’t dwell on it any further.

Instead, he prodded along.

“Show me what they are.”

And the first option revealed itself to him.

Subspecies Evolution:

[Exiled Lucifus Hellprince]

An [Exiled Lucifus Hellprince] is a [Hellprince] who has emerged to become one of the premier powers of the Netherworld. He has abandoned his former duties for the sake of his principles, and now he strives to protect his subjects from the dangers threatening him. Fearless and dedicated, he would even sacrifice his own life if it meant saving those he loved.

+50 [Vitality]

+50 [Strength]

+30 [Wisdom]

+30 [Endurance]

+30 [Agility]


*You have an aura that can partially control wild Demons.

*You can create your own Domain.

“A [Hellprince] evolution…?”

Haec paused as he heard it echoing around him in the darkness of his mind. [Hellprinces] were rare to begin with, and it seemed like he was offered an even more specialized version of its evolution.

“So I am now a rebel, huh? Because I abandoned my Regnorex for Salvos. How fitting…”

The former Heir of the Netherworld was tempted to accept the evolution right there and then. It offered him everything he needed— or he thought he needed. After all, now wild Demons wouldn’t even bother him as he wandered Reconstruction.

And yet, something was off about it. It made him feel uneasy. It made him a contender to the Demon King’s reign. But more than that, there was a strange feeling that stopped Haec. That provided him the momentary strength in judgment he needed to move on to see the next evolutionary option rather than becoming a [Hellprince] immediately.

“Next is…”

[The Elder Fiend]

As the final and most powerful evolutionary path of a [Fiend], [The Elder Fiend] is a unique Subspecies that can only be held by a single Demon at a time. He is indomitable, proving himself steadfast in his beliefs. He has pursued power to further his goals, and now that he has achieved it, he shall pass on his knowledge to his followers. With his guidance, he shall lead them to glory with him.

+60 [Strength]

+60 [Vitality]

+40 [Wisdom

+30 [Endurance]

+30 [Agility]


*You can bestow powerful Titles that are no greater than your own upon your most loyal minions.

“A unique evolution?”

Haec’s breath caught in his throat. He knew of them— he knew that many Primordial Demons were given them. Those like [The Great Agarus] were of a unique ilk. There were none others like it.

And now, Haec was being given the chance to become [The Elder Fiend]. His head spun as he thought about what he could do with this evolution. He was going to be stronger than ever— he  could even give Titles out to protect those he cared about.

It was more than what he could ask for. In fact, it was more powerful than even becoming a [Hellprince]. But still, he felt off. He didn’t feel like it was right.

He shook his head and put it off for now.

“I need something else. I need to…”

Haec whispered as he thought of Vianna. As he thought of all those who had been wronged by the Demon King. As he remembered the pain and torment he found himself suffering under after Salvos was gone.

“I need to become something more.”

And the last option revealed itself to him as he said that.

[Zelus Devil Reaper]

One of the first in the evolutionary line of [Devils], a [Zelus Devil Reaper] is a being devoted only to their passions. They are not fickle, but they are beholden to their true nature. They will protect those they love, and they will unleash torment upon those who they hate. Even if it means battling all the Netherworld itself, they shall never falter.

+50 [Vitality]

+50 [Strength]

+50 [Agility]

+25 [Endurance]

+25 [Wisdom]

Bonus: *You receive +20% to all Stats when in a near-death state.

Species Change: [Primeval Demon of Lust] -> [Primeval Demon of Lust and Wrath]!

“Primeval Demon of… Lust and Wrath?”

Haec couldn’t believe it. He had never heard of such a thing before. Oracli had never spoken of it, and neither had Regnorex. The former Heir of the Netherworld had always assumed there could only be a single sin instilled within the essence of a Demon.

But now— Haec was shown something more. He was given the chance to become something else while remaining himself.

The words echoed in his mind as he remained fixated on it. He didn’t even compare the benefits of the different evolutionary options. Haec knew he wanted this.

He wanted to become a [Zelus Devil Reaper]. But why?

The former Heir of the Netherworld thought he didn’t know. He just assumed something felt off. But now he realized why he felt that way.

In the end, Haec was a selfish individual. He acted selfishly throughout his life. Even now, what he sought to do for Vianna— what he was seeking to accomplish by saving those enslaved by Regnorex— it was all for his own sake.

He was not a ruler. Even if he became the Heir of the Netherworld, he always knew he was never meant to take over after Regnorex. It was all a facade. It was not who he was. After all, Haec himself was a follower.

Salvos was his leader. She was the reason he had done everything he did. Perhaps others had looked up to him. But he knew that to be either an [Exiled Lucifus Hellprince] or [The Elder Fiend] was not his path.

His path was something else. Not to start a new kingdom. But to protect those he cared for, and to exact revenge on those who wronged him. Just like he said to Oracli all that time ago.

So Haec raised his head, opened his eyes, and left his mask behind as he made a decision.

Evolution Complete!

[Archdemon of Lust] -> [Primeval Demon of Lust and Wrath]!

[Zelus Fiendlord] -> [Zelus Devil Reaper]!

Gained 50 Stat Points!

General Grand Skill [Racial Skill: Demonic Essence Manifestation Mastery] Obtained!


Author's Notes:

What thonk?



FYI: The last line of text is "General General Skill"

Alexey Gladkich

Any guesses what Grand Skill [Demonic Essence Mastery] does? I think it has passive effect of shapeshifting into other demonic forms. And perhaps, access to some native demonic magic?


Might not be limited to just demonic forms, we know the Devil has access to true shapeshifting after all. Now that we know for sure that Devil is a subspecies classification, maybe that kind of shapeshifting is inherent to Devils, and Haec can now do it too. He'd definitely need some kind of skill like that if he wants to follow Salvos back to the mortal realm; even though a lot of people know she is a demon now, being followed around by an *obvious* demon would cause panic.