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“Well, it seems like I got here a little bit too late,” Jax murmured as he watched the golden light fade away.

He lowered his bow and shook his head. The overcast sky cleared, and all that remained was a crater where Nicholas the Noble Knight once lay. The Forsaken Archer watched as Noele drew back from the rubble.

She swept her gaze over her surroundings, searching for any trace of the Void-touched S-ranked adventurer. But he was gone. There was nothing of him left.

Or at least, Jax did not sense a semblance of the Void left anywhere around Wolfwater. It was entirely possible he might not have been keen enough to detect it, but he highly doubted that. After all, neither Nicholas nor Sienna were proficient in using the powers of the Void.

At least, compared to those Jax had seen before. His eyes flickered as he remembered the battle he witnessed back at Mount Arkais. The overwhelming aura he sensed back then— it was incomparable to what he saw here.

His Skills allowed him to gauge and estimate the rough levels of his opponents. He was certain that Sienna had been a low S-ranked, but she fought about as well as a mid S-ranked adventurer would thanks to the Void. However, that was a far cry from what kind of a boost it should have been able to give.

They should have been able to grow to be as powerful as even Jax. Or perhaps even stronger. After all, Kallistus Kal was able to match Grat-ra’zun in battle. The [Hero King] shouldn’t have been stronger than Jax was as an S-rank, and yet, he was able to defeat an Elder Dragon.

So that was how Jax surmised that these Void-touched S-ranks could be so much stronger. But they were so weak, even Noele could deal with them.

“Hardly a challenge,” he said as he shook his head. “It’s a good thing I didn’t arrive in time. I would have been sorely disappointed. Although…”

His eyes flickered as he eyed the Noble Spellsword from afar. He had sparred her a handful of times since he arrived in Wolfwater. She had hardly been a challenge each time, although he could admit that she was quite impressive for her level.

Now, though? He grinned as he watched her draw back from the crater.

“She’s grown even stronger now,” Jax said as he placed a hand on his chin. “I wonder if she’s strong enough to even be a challenge for me?”

It was a question he didn’t know the answer to, but he had seen her growth from Windrip to Wolfwater to now. At this rate, she could even surpass Jax one day. Especially as Amelia’s apprentice. And that thought alone excited him.

“That is exciting…” he said as he turned around, stepping into the forest. “But I’m not going to sit around and let that happen either.”

And with that, he strode on, searching for a challenge to grow even stronger.


This time, it was over. Nicholas the Noble Knight was dead. He was not going to come back, saved by the Void. He had been obliterated into nothing— and Noele was certain of it. Even the World System confirmed her victory. She watched as a pair of two blue boxes flashed before her eyes.

[You have leveled up! You are now Level 58!]

[You have leveled up! You are now Level 59!]

Oddly enough, she didn’t gain any new Skills for the levels she gained. Certainly, at the higher ranks, it was much harder to get a new Skill, although each new Skill was so much more impactful too. But she expected to be given at least one new Skill.

Perhaps it was because she had just undergone a Class advancement— the World System saw no reason to award her with any new Skills after she had just been given an abundance of them.

“That’s probably it…” Noele muttered as she looked down at her twin blades.

She saw her reflection there on the bloodied metal. When she saw herself, she was almost unrecognizable. Normally, she’d be coated in a wild, blazing golden aura. But this time, it was like she was wearing translucent armor— like she was a knight who had been fighting in battle.

Not only that, she had just been able to defeat a group of S-ranks, and she wasn’t even Level 60 yet. It was all thanks to her new Class. It was all thanks to becoming a [Champion Spellsword].

And yet, victory felt bittersweet. It was not just because she learned the truth behind Nicholas the Noble Knight. That definitely played a part in this strange sense of emptiness she felt in defeating him.

He was her sister’s idol. He was an inspiration to her. Noele respected him as much as she respected Amelia. And yet, he proved himself to be… to put it simply, a ‘massive asshole’.

It was upsetting. However, Noele didn’t want to dwell on it. She tried to distract herself by thinking about something else— by thinking about how strong she had become. But she still felt off.

Noele didn’t know how to describe it. At best, she thought it felt like she had done something wrong. However, what could it possibly have been that she did that was so off-putting?

Before she could prod the feeling any further, she heard a clucking coming from behind her. This time, she was prepared for what was to come. Bucky leapt forward, and she caught the chicken.

“Easy there,” Noele said with a chuckle, holding Bucky up.

“Bawk bawk bawk!” The chicken flailed her wings as she nodded excitedly at the blonde girl. “Bawk bawk?”

Noele slowly lowered the chicken to the ground. “Yeah, it’s over for real this time.”

“Are you sure?” Garron asked from the side, able to walk on his own now. He hesitantly looked towards the crater. “How do we know that Nicholas is really… dead?”

“He should be dead,” Arthur replied as he walked up to the crater. “Nicholas barely had any control over the Void. Which… I know, is ironic, coming from me. But if he were alive right now, he’d be regrowing from a piece of burnt meat somewhere over there.”

“And he isn’t,” Noele said with a nod.

Garron sighed as he collapsed to the ground. He took a seat, massaging his temples. “That’s a relief.”

“Bawk bawk bawk!” Bucky clucked in agreement.

“Oh, speaking of the power of the Void.” Noele drew back from the chicken and turned to Arthur. Her eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down. “Since when were you able to do that?”

The former Lich King blinked, before immediately tensing. He took a step back and raised his hands defensively. “I— I don’t know! It just came to me at the moment! I didn’t even know I could do that!”

Noele raised a brow as she eyed him. He shrank back, clearly unsettled by his returning powers. The blonde girl took a step forward, and he flinched. But she just placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you,” she said with a kind smile. Arthur froze as she nodded reassuringly. He met her gaze, and she continued. “For saving me.”

“I… I…” He hesitated for a moment. The former Lich King looked down at himself, before closing his eyes. “Right.”

That was all he managed to muster up. Noele shook her head as she stepped away from him. She turned to Garron who was downing a healing potion.

“Are you alright?” she asked as she knelt down next to him.

Garron nodded back as he lowered the potion. “I’m… alive. But I’m more concerned about you, Noele.”

“I told you, Garron.” The blonde girl waved a hand dismissively. “I’m fine. I’m alive.”

“That’s not what I meant.” The Steel Tank glanced to the side. “I mean— why were they after you?”

“Oh.” That made Noele blinked.

She glanced towards the crater where Nicholas died. For a moment, she just stared at the clearing smoke. Then she pursed her lips as she spoke softly.

“I… I have no idea,” she said, before shaking her head. “But I think I’m going to have to talk to Amelia about this when she gets back.”

Garron stared at the blonde girl for a long moment. It looked like he had something to say, but he was debating whether to say it. Finally, it looked like he came to a decision.

“You do realize that Amelia probably won’t be back for a few more days, right? She left just this morning.”

“I know,” Noele sighed. “I know…”

Author's Notes:

What thonk?

Read next chapter here 



Amelia just left... I kinda forgot. Can't wait to see how it develops on her side too. It's finally over for Noele, except for the class advancement - I wonder how that will develop. Looking forward to more.


Amelia's gone for not even an entire day and everything goes to hell in a hand-basket.


To be fair that happens a lot when Amelia leaves... though it really doesn't seem to be her fault, the whole planet just doesn't really seem stable.