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I am hype for the webcomic's release too, fifteen installments of illustrated Salvos goodness yum. That's a big yikes from me for that Regnorex scene. Dude, couldn't you have just phrased that emphatically instead of just talking of them as a fungible asset? For a second there I thought Haec had divine essence, sadge.


Great chappy


Great chapter, Haec's GS feels fitting I think. It's nice. Also can't wait for the Webcomic release!


Haec's 2nd GS matches well with Salvos. How can you take someone elses injuries when the demoness in question is invincible?


This chapter really made Haec's character shine. It shows he's more than just a follower.

Alexey Gladkich

I am confused about the paragraph on the 7 archdemons. As we know all 7 of them had a GS. Why write "while not all of you learned a GS"? I could understand if they simply had a GS already. But wouldn't they get titles of Duke or Duchess before the training? It only makes the most sense if there were other demons that did not get a GS. Edit: ok, the wording was fixed. Also timing is rather narrow. Between Haec learning 2 GS (which was presumably after Salvos learning 2 GS) and the 7 archdemons being sent to Mortal Realm.

Tyler Machado

What does the king truly want then? Is it just power for himself and over the mortal and spirit plains? Maybe he wants to rule everything.


Arent you still sick bro, take care


My guess is that he wants to go to the Mortal realm because he thinks its less affected by the Corruption. Or maybe he thinks its actually not affected at all, considering that he might not exactly be up to date on information from there.

Alexey Gladkich

Demon King is dull, according to the Devil. So don't expect anything too sharp or intelligent from him. It might be a stupid plan that makes sense only to insane people. Perhaps, he indeed intends to create a realm for demons where they can be happy... as long as they are happy to do whatever he tells them to.

Alexey Gladkich

Haec can use faux divine essence with his other GS. So he kinda has it, albeit a flawed version. Also, with Salvos present, this GS will grant him access to Divine Essence.


A climactic chapter that ties up a few loose ends. Very nice!


Haec gained the power of friendship, hes already a greater [Hero] than Daniel

Melting Sky

When the Devil refers to the Demon King as dull I don't think he is insulting his intelligence so much as he insulting his lack of vision and innovation. Regnorex isn't dumb. He is a very pragmatic logician who is all about taking the surest least risky route. My guess is he knows the hellscape that is the Netherworld is collapsing and thus he has decided to evacuate himself and all his most important/powerful servants to the mortal plane where resistance is weak, the corruption is still a distant threat and resources are plentiful. It's basically an Arc for demonkind of which he is the supreme captain.

Alexey Gladkich

@MeltingSky Dull: (of a person) slow to understand; stupid. There are some other meanings for dull, but he was referring to this one. Perhaps also mixed with being boring and unexciting. There were a lot decisions that Demon King made that were dumb. Like making a war with humans 10k years ago. He'd be much further ahead had he done some proper diplomacy. Not properly improving and maintaining his own forces in Netherworld. He is very wasteful with them and lacks care. Also, he couldn't even figure out that Haec hated him.

Tyler Machado

And keep in mind the Devil pointed it out to him when they were watching Salvos. When the king first sent him out to the border, I had thought he knew Haec's true thoughts and wanted him to either die in battle or dispose of him well out of the way of other demons so they wouldn't know the heir had betrayed him and the king looked like an idiot. I was shocked when the king got angry. I had thought he already knew.