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(Removed for KU)


Bunny Waffles

LOL. I can't say I didn't see that probably coming, but good for Z! Getting out there to find out more about what the heck is going on with the Void and also dealing with Saros who is a needy bastard who keeps making things worse!


Great chapter! It's a bit funny how first employee only cares about z357, also I'm glad that while Amelia didn't accept, z357 did. This is definitely exciting. Kinda funny how much she refused


Tftc! Title says it's chapter 93 rather than 98 Hope everyone will see a great extent of Amelia's power


so we instantly jumped from chapter 86 to 93?

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter!! Love the fact that Z can work at the resturant and on his days off find the void and kill them. X might become a permanent employee! Which I hope he will!!


Yes, cant wait to see Saro and crew's encounter with the lich king


So fnuy


This is totally going to make the angel think staying there for longer is worth it lol

Melting Sky

And thus it was that Amelia awoke the following morning to the gurgling squawks of Bucky with half ̷h̷i̷s̷ her face torn off and a sea of still glowing ash and embers where the village and her restaurant once were.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Good work Z.

Conor McGroarty

Bucky is a girl this it would be half “her” face torn off. Also Amelia isn’t that much of a heavy sleeper



Melting Sky

My bad. My apologies for misgendering the mighty Miss Bucky in all her glorious splendor. Let me correct that. As for the second bit... All it would take is one long-range nuke-grade artillery spell, not that it would do so much as scratch Amelia, but her surroundings are much squishier than she is.


Knew they were gonna recruit the angel. Good Work Z