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Amelia used words, it was very effective! Guardian Angel Z357 is confused! blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink

Jonathan Seah

> I killed the Voidgod He got better.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Where is bucky



Kevin McKinney

Well, that could have, and still could, escalate quickly


*casually ignores threats from strongest being in vacuous* *tells him she killed the voidgod* *refuses to elaborate further* *leaves* Petition to rename the series to “Sigma Female Activities” like to sign.

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter! YES!!! Plot development!! Finally!!

Undead Writer

I killed the voidgod. Blink blink. (Somewhere in the back of the room) I’m not dead you ninny! Shut it Carl!


Lol, this is just great. Excited for z357 to ask the obvious proof and for Amelia to show him the rift. Great chapter.

Melting Sky

I honestly expected that Amelia's standoffishness and couldn't-care-less attitude were going to cause a fight with the Angel, but she reigned it in so as to prevent an unnecessary battle, once again proving she is a lot more mature and wise than she first comes off as. What remains to be seen is if the Angel responds wisely or not. Its mind is very rigid and machine-like. Although intelligent, it doesn't appear to be very flexible when it comes to thinking outside the box.