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(Removed for KU)



Taburas sort of got in the way of Haec sad. Rip carpet. The final attack was very cool, I hope Haec finds his opportunity from it, but maybe not. This is exciting nonetheless.


F for Laxi. I had thought that Haec would stay with the rest of his 'crew' a little bit longer before he had to bail. On the bright side though this clusterfuck seems like the perfect excuse for him to go 'missing'.

Kristeen Livesay

I kinda hope that Taburas survives and joins Salvos on her future adventures in addition to Haec. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about her but I’m currently feeling like Haec is doing her dirty in his desire to leave her behind in order to reunite with Salvos, I mean at least take her with. On an unrelated note I hope we get a side chapter about the Salvos clone still in the mortal realm with her kids and Willy. The aftermath of Salvos revealing herself as a demon in order to save humanity by summoning herself back to the netherworld instead of the demon king summoning his army. In the end humanity could not stop the demon invasion but a stray demon who was stranded in the mortal team and masqueraded as a human preforming many heroic feats and ascending to godhood faster than the strongest of humanities heroes was the one to make the “sacrifice” to save the mortal realms. Even if she does survive she would be trapped in the netherworld hunted by every demon there for betraying the king in favor of humanity, or at least that’s how it would appear to humans without a significant bias either way. Humans with bias would either know her and her personality and go “sounds like she had a plan to cause a ruckus and avoid all the consequences as usual.” Or not know her and assume that she must be plotting something even with all the evidence point towards her saving humanity. All in all I expect that either when she returns at least a large portion of humans will laude her as a hero or worship her as the goddess she is, while others wage a holy war to cast her down, with many of the greatest of humanities figures siding with her. Most elite rank adventures will have gotten an idea of her personality by this point as well as a number of diamonds with the rest having heard of her various feats. Man with both the elves and one of the kobold factions preparing to wage war on humanity I have no doubt that the mortal realm will be in just as much chaos as the netherworld.


So are they going to literally fall into that dungeon/lair.


He doesn't want to bring Taburas because she can't lose the collar without dying and the collars can be used to track down demons.

Kristeen Livesay

That’s technically not true. Salvos somehow broke the collar for the Djinn who’s name I can’t remember off the top of my head, it wasn’t intentional but it was possible, she likely could do it intentionally now if she wanted. The same goes for a primordial demon, the devil can and others like Belphagor likely could as well. This is of course something that Haec does not know but that does not mean it couldn’t happen, especially with both him and Taburas falling to a lower layer(I’m fairly certain that’s what’s going on) they may even meet salvos within the next 10-15 chapters. Maybe the very next(unlikely due to how far I think they are but hey salvos has spend over a day being lost so I really have no idea where she is apart from underground).

Alexey Gladkich

@Kristeen it is not something that Haec is aware of nor it is something that can easily repeated. The collar broke because it got overused in the summoning process. Neither of them have permission to be summoned and Salvos is in Netherworld. Furthermore, if they run away with collors on they are a lot more likely to be tracked down way before they find Salvos. The Netherworld is an enormous place, so go find there the single person you are looking for.

Alexey Gladkich

Well, no. They fall into the magma that flows everywhere in the Netherworld. Entrance to the second layer is elsewhere.


I like the plot twist to this chapter definitely made it a lot more interesting



Alexey Gladkich

Though, honestly, Haec's plan is crazy and suicidal. Taburas is the voice of reason here. Now that they are both going to surfboard on magma, they apparently going to travel together. Hopefully the Sloth Archdemon and the new one will join them into roaming the Revelation.


Yay! Salvos and Taburas are possibly going to meet! I wonder how that'd go lol


The methods U mentioned are not things Haec knows and/or can do. It wouldn't make sense for him to bring Taburas along hoping a miracle happens that breaks her collar.


Btw, I don't think that's a lower layer of the Netherworld. IMO, it's just magma that exists below the ground. From Salvos POV, the 2nd layer is already full of corruption. If Revelation opened paths connecting the layers all throughout the Netherworld, the 1st layer would also be full of corruption.