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eren jaegar? theres wall rose

Mohammed Sheekh

Is it me or are these chapters at least 1/4 smaller than they used to be?


Just you, in terms of reading time, it's the same for me


Pog chapter, enjoyed it. It was nice to see Haec acquaintances, and also acknowledgement too. Didn't expect that ending, it sounds like Hartia might not be able to fully keep back the cerberus, so it's going to be fun.

Anime Problem

Depressed man on fire goes to a movie theater is what I think. Jokes aside fire punch and even chainsaw man are great inspirations on how to write believably human inhuman characters power is one of my favorite examples she is entirely inhuman and doesn't understand or care about the concept of bathing but learns to make it a habit simply for the comfort of the family she found herself apart of


I really do just see Haec as salvos's little brother


I know that Promordial demon Hartia or whatever they’re called is gonna save them, but damn do I wanna see how tough Haec is compared to the average demon!


Love the chapter. Great to see more of Haec.

Alexey Gladkich

It would be funny if it was the same Cerberus of Hell that Salvos' clone fought and the fire was still [Sacred Hellfire] that Salvos cast way back then. It just got used to it.


Just means you're getting faster at reading them lol, so they feel shorter.

Alexey Gladkich

@Spade Salvos is only into her own clones. Besides, he sees her as Leader... so he puts himself beneath her.


Truly the fire punch moment of all time


good chappie

Tragic Hysteria

Man I just haven't been able to connect with Haec yet. Melas have you considered a mini series of like Haec after Salvos first left, to flesh out the character. Actually how about a spin-off of something like "Those left behind" that can cover the events of the characters after salvos leaves them and how events occur after she's gone? I'd love to hear the reactions of the human alliance after what happened.


Well, I am definitely not shipping them. I honestly hate the idea of it bring romantic.

dror raz

literaly just the side stories he doesn't write anymore


More fillers^^