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It was Kallistus Kal. The [Hero King]. The Savior of Sibylla. The Destroyer of Deveral. One of three otherworlders in all of Vacuos. Well, there were four now that Amelia was here. But that was besides the point— Grat-ra’zun just couldn’t believe his eyes.

The Elder Dragon gaped at the figure wreathed in a gold and purple aura. Kallistus hovered high in the air, wisping with magic. The arcane which flowed through every living creature in Vacuos. But also— depraved, tainted magic.

That which was corrupted by the Void.

“You— how…?” Grat-ra’zun asked, staring at the [Hero King].

The dragon quickly muttered a healing spell, but his scales refused to regrow. He looked down to see a black blotch staining his wounds— glowing and rippling with a vile power. It caused him to wince, and he spoke through gritted teeth.

“Why are you here?”

Kallistus didn’t give an immediate answer. He turned away from Ammon, before descending past both Rakash and Si-Vus. They bowed at him, and he landed right before Grat-ra’zun. The [Hero King] walked on the molten rock surface as his glinting boots lit aflame, but he didn’t burn from the heat.

“How did the Sect of Abyssal Thorns convert you?” the Elder Dragon snarled. “You are not even from this world!”

And Kallistus just closed his eyes. “My allegiance is to myself. I do not care for this world, nor do I obey the Sect of Abyssal Thorns.”

The [Hero King] sighed, raising his longsword. He trudged through the burning rubble as his golden armor sizzled. His blade shimmered, and he eyed the Elder Dragon.

“As for why I am here… you know just as well as I do.” He pointed his blade at Grat-ra’zun. “Show me the rift.”

“Show you the— what are you talking about?” The dragon narrowed his eyes.

Kallistus shook his head. “I sensed it. I know you closed it— the rift in space, created by the Fal-Deus.”

And that took Grat-ra’zun off-guard. “You know of the Fal-Deus?”

“Yes,” Kallistus said. His blade glimmered, and the dragon’s eyes went wide. “Now show it to me!”

The [Hero King] yelled and swung down with a powerful slash. It tore the earth open, cleaving off a large chunk of Mount Arkais. A molten landslide fell down the side of the mountain as Grat-ra’zun took to the skies.

“[Golem Creation: Greater Earth—]” he started.

“Voiding.” Ammon’s voice reverberated throughout the air.

The world flickered, changing color as the Elder Dragon’s eyes grew wide. His Skill refused to work— his connection to the World System abruptly cut off. He glanced up just in time to see a trident shooting straight down at him. He caught the projectile, only for Rakash to crash into the dragon’s snout.

Grat-ra’zun reeled, before unleashing a blast of flames. It engulfed the troll and reduced him to a charred figure, but that wasn’t enough to defeat him. Before the dragon could finish him off, there was another flash of light.

Looking down, the Elder Dragon saw golden chains shooting up from Kallistus. They caught Grat-ra’zun before he could fly out of the way. He roared, clawing at them— trying to break free. But they shimmered with a purple glow. And they crackled as a sharp pain jolted across his body. They shredded his scales, ripping holds into his wings. The more he struggled, the tighter they grew.

He let out a shriek, tumbling out of the air. And Kallistus yanked him down back into the molten rocks. The dragon braced himself, and moments later, felt the searing pain of the lava burning his scales. He couldn’t escape. He was trapped. He was… defeated.

Si-Vus landed behind his King, carrying the healing body of Rakash, while Ammon remained hovering in the air. The Arcane Archsorcerer continued maintaining the Voiding, ridding the Elder Dragon from his Skills. If Grat-ra’zun could somehow stop that spell…

The [Hero King] marched straight through this area as the golden glow faded from his armor. All that wreathed him now was the tainted magic from before. Even he was affected, but he could still draw from a different power. And he kicked Grat-ra’zun’s snout into the ground.

“You have nowhere to run.” Kallistus spoke as the chains receded. His metal boots held the Elder Dragon down, and he raised a knuckle. “Now open the rift.”

“D-Damn you!” Grat-ra’zun mustered out, but he couldn’t open his jaw. A trickle of flames shot out of his nostrils, but it bounced off the [Hero King] like it was water.

“I said: open it.”

A purple sphere flashed before the hands of Kallistus— a twisting orb that warped with space. The dragon thrashed and struggled, trying to break free… then paused as he caught sight of the glow. He tried to speak, but he felt his will being overpowered as Kallistus spoke a single word.


“I-I…” Grat-ra’zun found himself speaking, even as he tried to resist. “I-I did not close the rift… and I cannot even open it if I wanted to!” he exclaimed through a clenched jaw.

That made Kallistus pause. He tilted his head curiously and spoke simply. “Then tell me who did this. Who is the one who can show me the Void?”

“It was… I…” The dragon’s mouth moved. But this time, he resisted. “I will never tell you anything, slave to the Void!”

“I am no slave.” Kallistus shook his head. “I am the Void’s Heir. And I shall claim what is mine. Now speak.”

He pressed the sphere against the Elder Dragon’s snout. An intense pain ripped through Grat-ra’zun. It wasn’t a physical scar. He felt it mentally— it was practically crushing his mind. He shrieked in pain as his entire body twitched, and words began to involuntarily leave his mouth.

“H-her… n-n-name…” he started.

Kallistus snapped his brows together. He leaned forward, waiting. But the Elder Dragon refused to continue. That made the [Hero King] click his tongue.

“Obey!” He pressed the sphere harder against the dragon’s scales. “Who is she? Where can I find her?”

Grat-ra’zun fought back. Even as his will was shattered, he refused to give in without a fight. He writhed in pain, but his body didn’t respond. His wings refused to fly. And he couldn’t help but let out a weak gasp.

“W-Win…drip…” he said.

Kallistus drew closer. “And her name?”

The Elder Dragon’s mind reeled as he opened his mouth. “Her name is—”

“[Superior Blooming Deathhowl]!” a voice shouted, interrupting Grat-ra’zun.

The [Hero King] narrowed his eyes and spun around as the purple sphere dissipated. He braced himself for an attack. But it never came. Instead, a whistling arrow ripped across the sky, striking Ammon out of the air. The Arcane Archsorcerer screamed as half his body was blown apart by the glowing projectile.

“Who—” Kallistus snapped his gaze to the side, before blinking at a figure standing atop the crater.

An elf nocked an arrow into his bow as he chuckled with a wild smile. “Hello, [Hero King]. My name is Jax the Forsaken Archer, and I believe you have my quarry.”

Kallistus blinked. “You’re… why are you—”

And Grat-ra’zun roared as the purple dome fell apart. “[Golem Creation: Greater Earth Elemental]!”

A giant pillar fell from the sky, crashing right next to the [Hero King]. Kallistus turned to face the Greater Earth Elemental as it loomed over him, before cracking open and taking on the form of a massive wyvern. It let out a roar and swiped its tail at him, knocking him back.

The Elder Dragon spread his wings wide and took to the skies. Rakash and Si-Vus moved to intercept him, but the Greater Earth Elemental unleashed a dust breath at them, keeping them back. Jax blinked as Grat-ra’zun scooped him up and took to the skies.

They flew away from Mount Arkais as Kallistus swung up at the Greater Earth Elemental. The [Hero King] cleaved through its tail, but the tail quickly regrew. They battled far in the distance as the dragon’s weak wings barely carried him forward.

“What are you doing? Let me go!” Jax protested, thrashing about. “I could have taken them on!”

But Grat-ra’zun shook his head, glancing back once. There was an explosion of gold and purple energy as he sighed. “That Greater Earth Elemental is nearly as strong as I, but it cannot hold them back for long.”

And that made the elf pause. “...what in the Thrones are you talking about? The [Hero King] isn’t supposed to be that strong.”

“I will explain later.” Grat-ra’zun looked down at himself— eyeing his injuries. His wings beat slower and slower as the purple stain on his scales refused to vanish. He just let out a sigh. “What matters now is that we need to find Amelia.”

“I… see.” For whatever reason, the Forsaken Archer didn’t question it. He just nodded. “Very well, then.”

And the two left the burning remains of Mount Arkais behind them.


The Greater Earth Elemental collapsed as Kallistus dealt the final blow. It was an SSS-rank threat, so it hadn’t been easy to defeat, even with Rakash and Si-Vus at his side. But the [Hero King] simply shook his head and looked up at a returning figure.

Ammon knelt hurriedly and closed his eyes. “I apologize, my King. But they escaped. I cannot find them. I have failed you.”

Kallistus sighed as he sheathed his sword. “It is no matter. We know our target is in Windrip. So we have gotten what we came here for.”

The [Hero King]’s plan worked out exactly as he thought it would. He had sent six of his most loyal and powerful compatriots to wear down the Elder Dragon for his arrival. But he hadn’t expected the amount of sacrifice needed for this outcome.

Ivory, Delmer, and Usil were dead. Kallistus had hoped they would survive. But that Elder Dragon was stronger than expected. It was a necessary sacrifice, but still a terrible loss.

“We shall mourn the fallen when we return,” the [Hero King] said, spinning around. “For now, let us—” he started.

But there was a flash of dark light. He froze, and his three servants raised their heads. They stared at the twisting space ahead of them— at the distortion that rippled across the very center of the remains of Mount Arkais.

“That’s…” Kallistus Kal’s eyes went wide.

And he heard the familiar echoing voice.


The battle was over. But its effects lingered. The shockwave of this clash would ripple all across Vacuos. Both literally and metaphorically, and in various different ways.

While some would directly feel its immediate consequences, others felt a far weaker impact. In a farm right at the edge of Wolfwater, this was felt through a small tremor. The house shook for a few moments as the gathered figures at the dining table raised their heads.

“What was that?” Noele asked, blinking.

“It’s just an earthquake,” Nolan said as he shook his head. “There have been quite a few around these parts over the last five years.”

“Who cares about all that— I need more!” Nicole exclaimed, raising an empty bowl.

Garron nodded, surprised at how decent the food turned out. “I’d like another serving too, please.”

And Amelia just smirked back at them. “I told you I could cook without the [Chef] Class.”

It only had a small impact here. But the ripple effect spread far beyond this farm. It spread across all four continents, before reaching even further. Far away. Above the clouds, and towards the stars.

Beyond the spinning planet. A figure lay dormant, hovering just before the moon. It hadn’t moved in eons. Trapped in stasis, it was programmed only to act when the World System’s control was threatened.

A few errors weren’t enough to awaken the slumbering figure. It was only designed to act when there were consistent repeated anomalies. And with the most recent rift that ripped through space, the threshold was crossed. Its programming finally activated.

[Initializing Defense Protocol…]

The figure twitched. The sun’s rays washed over it as it heard the call of the World System.

[Awaken: Guardian Angel Z357.]

And a dozen eyes opened all at once.

End of Book 1

Author's Notes:

End that's the end of Book 1 of Amelia: The Level Zero [Hero]!

I am probably going to make quite a few edits to the early chapters of Book 1 for the KU release in May. I will, of course, let patrons download a pdf of the new revised book before then. But for now, I would like to know what you guys think of the first book so far?

I honestly quite liked it other than a few minor issues in the early chapters. These last twenty chapters in particular were... very fun for me to write. I tried to make sure that everything in the book was tied back together neatly.

There will be no break. But the next chapter will be out on Tuesday instead of Monday. There will still be five chapters next week, so don't worry. As I said, no break. 

Anyway, I am creating an Amelia subreddit! You guys should check it out and subscribe! I may hold polls and such there in the future. 

AmeliaTLZHNovel (reddit.com)

Speaking of polls, I'll be doing a side character popularity poll soon now that Book 1 is over. Anyway, thank you all for reading! <3

Read next chapter here 



This was a great book! Thanks for all your effort to entertain us!

Alexey Gladkich

I said that the dragon was going to run away! Although from a different threat than initially implied.


I really like this series! As a OP protagonist Amelia is great.

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter! So glad that our favorite dragon survived the clash!


"Grat-ra’zun reeled, before unleashing a blast of flames. It engulfed the troll and reduced him to a charred figure, but that wasn’t enough to defeat him" Grat-razun is one of the weaker Elder Dragons in fantasy. Got too used to the System and never developed his DragonFlame. It should be vapourizing metal, not merely charring organic troll flesh.


I would advise you to not overdue the whole arrogant and cocky antagonist being brought low due to underestimation of the enemy thing, but I am not too bothered either way. Excellent overall.

Alexey Gladkich

The troll was empowered by the system and the void. So vaporizing him is a lot harder than regular material.




I am not talking about regular material. Some elder dragons can melt and sizzle enchanted Adamantium. Looks like the System makes Dragons lazy.


It’s a pretty good ending for book 1


But he did vaporize metal lol Multiple times. Like he literally blew off the mountain, destroyed his artifacts, and incinerated Rakash’s axe.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


One thing I find is it’s impossible for me to feel anything at all when a title is said because they mean absolutely nothing to me. The story hasn’t given any weight to titles and doesn’t seem intent on making a name feel powerful or important.


I've enjoyed this volume a lot. All the characters cross the board have been good. And the story while simple--which makes sense--is engaging and entertaining.

Melting Sky

Void-empowered beings are like borderline demigods. I imagine when compared to that Troll's flesh, enchanted steel is about as durable as playdoh. We saw that dragon's breath vaporize a mountainside.


Ok, will wait for Grat-ra’zun to redeem himself and the Honour Of Dragons by vaporising this Troll in Round #2 and steam-inhaling the remains. Hopefully, he is less rusty by then.


In the end Jax managed to hlep. Well I was not literal in that he could not help I did not expect him to get in a situation for a lucky one. What is this about him being weak and needing to be redeemed? Dragons are not unbeatable in fiction. Even after pointed out that the troll was likely more durable than enchanted metal your only response is "I expect him to vaporize him casually next round"?


“I am the Void’s Heir." I am sure the void wants a heir that wants to leave to head off to their family. Some people.. Not very trope savvy either to not realize heir to it means its new host.