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Lets fucking gooooooooo


Ok but how will they avert the ritual?

Alexey Gladkich

They can only reduce the power of the ritual, by say, disabling the [Hellprince], teleporing him away, and killing him far away. But it won't stop the ritual. It doesn't seem that they do anything about that.


Nah, Levithus directly said his death would be needed. If they can kill him off the ritual site they'll probably have enough time to stop it. I think it basically comes down to whether our beloved author wants to have a complete apocalypse arc to follow this war arc. Unless the ritual is complete, then salves does some weird dimensional shit to force it back?


good chappie

Alexey Gladkich

@Notcreepycreeper I think the ritual will succeed in the sense that some demons will be summoned, but fail in the sense that Demon King and his army will not be able to pass aside from a couple Primeval Demons.


Wonder when the elves are going to attack.


It isn't in their interest for the demons to succeed. So it's better to let the humans in peace while they deal with that threat. This is also time they have to prepare for the war, make plans for it, and send some hidden elite troops into the human lands so that they can cause further chaos when the war starts. Perhaps even try to make an alliance with the Kobolds since they also have bad relations with the humans (if both races atk after the demons, rip human lands xD) _ Once the demon threat is gone and the humans are exhausted, with a lot of casualties, with their forces concentrated in a single place (not sure if Inoria is away from the border with the elves), they can attack at will.


This is what I would do if I were the one in charge of the elves xD

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.