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Oh hey that one demon from before

Rd Zg

I never thought that there were tens of thousands. I didn't even think that there were over a hundred per demon but damn that is a lot.

Alexey Gladkich

They were called Legion so... surely they are a swarm variety, much weaker than other demons of their levels.

Rd Zg

Also second subritual? What was the first?


And the true test starts in earnest. I'm stoked! Let's see what coward-turned-hero is really capable of. Great chapter!


I assume that's just a writing mistake if you mean "we have brought down one of the second sub-rituals". If (when) they succeed this will be the second sub ritual that they destroy.


I think that I love how humble Salvos is, by legit just saying that she did nothing to make Headmaster Clayton to participate on the war front. Hope he doesn't die though. And I too think that the army is fucked now that they are fighting 1(?) Demon.

Melting Sky

It was a huge mistake not to rest the troops after such a long forced march. It's probably cost them about a fifth of their fighting potential.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.