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You have outdone yourself great chapter


Like I love the chappie but I feel like it's cheating not a Salvos accomplishment

Alexey Gladkich

The sword does act as a focusing device but the power comes from Salvos. Belzu was unable to use the blade this way.


good chappie


Great chapter, I can't wait for Space mage demon vs Space mage demon.

Alexey Gladkich

As far as I recall Salvos wasn't faster than Orgaf - definitely not significantly faster. I believe she's tricking them with her Spatial manipulations, making herself effectively invisible while moving quickly, and giving impression of super-speed.


She’s faster than Orgaf at full tilt when she pops Divine Essence, which she is clearly using and even said so. It’s strange regardless, as it’s been too soon for it to be used again. It’s only like two-three weeks max. The month long cooldown shouldn’t be off yet.

Alexey Gladkich

@Ihaxlikenoob the CD is three weeks IIRC and I believe they passed. I mean, in raw stats she is surely higher than Ograf, but if one includes effect of skills he had the upper hand in their quick bout. And she had her essence on back then.


Gorgeous artwork, gratifying curb-stomp.


No, Salvos said it takes a month to recharge the second time she used it. She estimated in the beginning it that it only took a couple weeks but she was wrong. And that was after she took the Title that slashes Grand Skill cooldowns by one-fifth. On the Orgaf vs. Salvos speed thing, remember that Salvos has had a mega powerful class advancement and several levels since then, it wouldn’t surprise me if Salvos is faster than Orgaf in a pure ‘foot race’ when she’s using Divine Essence while Orgaf still has the massive upper hand in agility and lateral movement because of his rogue skills.

Alexey Gladkich

@Ihaxlikenoob she did say it takes a month the second time, but it wasn't a sentence where she was trying to be accurate in wording. Three weeks is close enough to a month and a month is easier to say. "Three weeks" wasn't an estimate, she simply instinctively feels the CD time. Salvos's mega powerful advancement didn't grant any real speed improvement skills. Getting extra 20-40 stats to agility is not what matters at this stage. That's like less than 10% improvement. At higher levels skills matter a great deal more. So unless [Full Phase] skill somehow affects it, I don't see why the few extra stats would grant such a big difference.


If it was three weeks Salvos woulda said three weeks, as it is Salvos said it was a month cooldown. Don’t know why you say otherwise. Besides, that three week timespan estimate was overly generous of me, it’s been closer to two according to what I’ve remembered. I mean apparently it does, because you have Iivor straight up saying she’s faster than Orgaf is, and he saw him fight and catch up to them when they ran away. And we know Salvos’ new skills don’t have anything that makes her faster beyond her already extreme speed, on top of a divine essence to top it all off.


Salvos increased her agility stat by 40 points since chapter 355. That's a 12.5% increase. This should raise her speed up a notch. She could also be under the influence of Haste and/or spatial skills to help further increase her speed.


Regarding the Divine Essence, I think it's around 2 weeks since she last used it. Maybe the cooldown was reduced due to the lvls up, class advancement, and/or Manifestation of the Old Gods (skill interacts with divine essence).

Alexey Gladkich

@Gonvas 12.5% do you mean compared to baseline? Compared to what she had effectively, it was over 400 agility. So it should be less than 10% increase. Well, yeah, that's pretty much what the discussion is about. Why there's a significant improvement of her speed. We know that she can render herself effectively invisible and perhaps she can slowdown time better with upgraded spatial skills? Haste, Teleportation, and Warped Time by themselves have issues like: CD, short duration, and other inconveniences. Hmm, you are right it was two weeks since her last usage of Essense. So perhaps, she ended the skill earlier reducing the CD?


You know for the whole thing about Salvo's speed I can think of a few possible explanations like she is using the Greaves of Alexander since we know that Orgaf had them when they meet, then it could be that with her increased stats wich improved her speed about 10% and having it paired with haste that increases her speed based on a percentage not numbers which can also be paired with the time skill she has which can increase speed within it's radius and she could also be using space magic to shorten the distance between her destination and her, it could also be that her hidden base stats have increased given that her second class draconian apprentice partially turns her into a dragon somewhat which were said to be stronger than gods and devils finally she is using divine essence with a semi divine class if all of what I have said is correct then her speed could reach ridiculous levels.

JC Silver

Wouldn't her ridiculous stat boost from her Grand Skill be enough to explain why she outclasses them by so much? Isn't it a 50 stat point buff across the board which is equivalent to at least 20 levels of investment per skill or something? That's basically giving her a temporary infusion of 100 levels worth of skill points on top of her already impressive stats so of course she's still a blur to these higher demons.


As far as I remember it was 100 stat points buff per attribute. Edit: chapter 284 explains it.

Alexey Gladkich

Skills > Stats. The question is why she now appears to outclass Ograf while it wasn't the case during her last usage of the Divine Essense. And it doesn't seem to be the case that she has the Graves of Alexander.

Alexey Gladkich

@Precursor that's not how the advancement works. The Class [Draconic Apprentice] grants her a bit more stats than other classes and can access all types of magic. Getting levels in the Class just adds skill points, not stats (at least as long as its level is below her Subspecies). With this class she can learn Frost Magic, Necromancy, Mind Magic, Alchemy... anything. She just needs to study these fields. Other Space Mage class upgrades would immediately grant her better skills to manipulate the fabric of space and time but wouldn't help her in other directions, like usage of Divine Essense.


Damn, this is so cool. Salvos just showing others why she deserve to get a bit of Divinity before level 150. Poor "rivals" they won't ever reach her level of power huh. I meant, they will but Salvos will be even stronger. Good chapter and the art was amazing.


A bit Late, but Firstly, she was stronger than Ograf even before (though, yeah, slower too) her second class upgrade, and Secondly, don't forget, that this class Advancement did give her relatively hight amount of stats, in addition it mentioned granting her acess towards divinity, it would not Surprise me if it has a hidded boost to Divine esence, or that she unlocked a new grand skill (though I'm hoping the former).

Alexey Gladkich

@Viedu I don't believe that she was stronger than Ograf. I'm fairly certain that in 1v1 duel he'd have advantage over her. The advancement gave her 130 stats, which is just 30 stats more than Edithe obtained from her lvl 100 advancement. We don't know how much stats lvl 150 upgrade grants but Orgaf surely should have around 400-500 stats more baseline. Surely, due to better Title and Divine Essence she might end with a bit more stats overall and in Agility in particular than he has, but having Elite tiered skills should be a significant boost.

Alexey Gladkich

@Carlos that referred to the fractual dome, not high-speed movement. He should be capable of noticing whether she teleports or moves. One just needs to look at the spellweaving.


Iirc Haste alone made her faster than Orgaf. And it's been quite a few levels since then too.

Melting Sky

Salvos has a high base speed just from her stat distribution and demonic/draconic physiology topped with a load of OP title buffs. On top of that she has multiple different skills that can further increase her speed relative to others. She has everything from haste to time and spacial manipulation. She can outright teleport. Salvos has an absolutely insane movement kit.


great chapter, and the art is amazing

Alexey Gladkich

@Tjark prior to using Haste she was completely overwhelmed by Orgaf, so doubtful on that point. And I don't think she is using Haste here.

Malik Sylvester

Wonderfully done chapter, beautiful artwork. This now makes me think of Japanese light novels, but better

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.