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I got these two exit surveys in a row:

Only was interested in Thera. Other stories are clearly prioritized.
only subbed for salvos has been posting way less

These are two exit surveys made by two different people, in a row, and it's literally what I've been getting for the past few weeks.

Here's a fun fact: my GRANDMOTHER died last week, and I've had to deal with MOVING COUNTRIES. 

Now, let's look at the facts:

salvos has been posting way less

I have posted Salvos chapters 5x a week all of July, except for last week where I posted THREE chapters while grieving, dealing with a funeral, and moving countries. That's two chapters fewer this month, then it was last month where I posted five chapters a week every month. Or two fewer chapters a week this month than it was in May when I was... spoiler alert, posting 5x a week that month too. Because my schedule for Salvos is FIVE TIMES A WEEK and always has been. 

Only was interested in Thera. Other stories are clearly prioritized.

I have posted Thera 3x a week for the last 30 days. Last week, I posted Thera 2x. One chapter fewer than usual. And that's because... my GRAANDMOTHER DIED. Are you being serious right now?

Thera is literally a 3x a week story. 

I have also been getting annoying comments about people saying I should focus on X or focus on Y more. 

Here's the truth: me not writing another story won't result in more chapters for the other story for you. In April of this year, I only wrote Salvos and nothing else, and do you wanna know how many chaps I posted that month? That's right, 5x a week. 

Why? Because Salvos is scheduled to post 5x a week for a reason. Me forcing myself to write any more than that would generate poorer quality chapters. I only have so many ideas in my head for a single story. Me focusing only on Salvos and writing 10 Salvos chapters a week will produce... chapters with fluff and nothing happening. Because writing isn't just a "sit down and write" thing, it's an IDEA thing. It's a CREATIVITY thing. And I don't have enough ideas to write 10x a week for Salvos.

Now, even with, once again, everything I went through last week, I posted seven chapters last week. Seven. I didn't take a break. I posted seven chapters that week. 

I could've taken a full break and posted 0 Salvos, 0 Thera, and 0 Tian. But I posted 3 Salvos, 2 Thera, and 2 Tian. 

And what do I get? Comments like this:

Only was interested in Thera. Other stories are clearly prioritized.
only subbed for salvos has been posting way less

Reminder: I'm still dealing with funeral-related customs, and will be moving countries again soon to somewhere in Europe because my home country is ass and I need a VPN to access everything, so my schedule is still wonky. If you get up in arms about my schedule, reminder that me writing other stories won't change what you'll get for the story you subbed to, period.



I like all your stories. Thank you

Delightfully Joyful

I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this during your loss💖