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So, I'm moving countries.

I was always going to leave the US. I mentioned it a few times in my Discord. However, this happened a lot sooner than I had planned as a result of various reasons. My grandmother, who's turning 92 in August, is dying, and I'd like to see her one last time before that happens. With how my visa works I can't return to the US once I leave, unless I come back with a tourist visa this time around, which is why I am going to have to be packing to move out of my apartment this upcoming week rather than in early August as initially planned. So I will have to be dealing with packing, moving, and flying for the next week or two, which will result in me being quite... busy.

What does this mean for you guys? Well, I have no fucking clue. I managed to write quite a bit on my phone over the past three days, so perhaps I'll still be able to write 2-3 chapters a day as I've been doing for the past month? But I cannot guarantee whether that's possible, nor can I guarantee the chapters will be good quality.

I will try to write the best chapters I can and post them as frequently as I can. My goal is for my schedule to remain uninterrupted, but be prepared for a few hiccups here and there which is bound to happen. 

As of right now, there will definitely be a Salvos chapter tomorrow, and a Tian and Thera chapter tonight, but after that, I have no fucking clue what happens. We'll see.



I hope you make it too your grandma safety, I was unable to visit mine before she passed. I say take a break and deal with these problems first, or if you really want to write just only do a small number a week instead.


I'm sorry to hear that about your grandmother. I hope you get to make some nice memories with her when you arrive!