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Thank, it will be hard to explain


ok this is adorable as fuk


Wonder if the wyverns will get a title [Devil's Granddaughter/son]. Or maybe they'll wait until Salvos is 150+ and get a title related to her directly.


So since nobody else seems to be talking about it, I guess I will. Daniel calling Amanda a coward... while I wouldn't say that myself, I'm glad he called her out for just leaving. I felt a little iffy on him being the one to say that, since I guess in the back of my head I imagine Daniel as a coward, but thinking about it he had valid points, and has been trying to be a real hero as of recently. Now then... when the demons start their chaos, will he have to reveal himself as a [Hero] in front of a ton of citizens? That'd be an interesting development. He's only really revealed it to important people so far, but now the general public might find out about him.

Bunny Waffles

Daniel is just tired and done which this shit, at least until he gets a solid nap and maybe 24 hours of peace and quiet. As for calling her a coward, ti would be fitting that he, the one who also played the coward and fled from stuff, is the one to call her out on shit. After all, he knows first hand what it is like to BE a coward. One thing of note, he and other people keep brining up how he falls short of the other examples of [Hero]s, but he seems to forget that there are other brands of [Hero]s, at least in classically tales that are less one man juggernauts and more about being a team player and doing their part in the team

Jericho Drakane

Daniel has also already owned up to his own cowardly actions in the past. So, it's not like he's being a hypocrite about it.


This is going to be goooooooood


Remember to take a break if you need one (of a whole week if neccessary)


I wonder what reaction Saffron would have if someone tells her that Salvos has become a mother.

Melting Sky

Even if he had been a hypocrite about it, that still does nothing to change the truth in his words. I've always found it funny when people think it somehow absolves them of their actions when they point out that the person leveling the accusation against them is a hypocrite. It changes nothing about the truth in their words. If anything, in many cases it makes their accusation that much more damning because it takes one to know one. It's like how some straight arrow priest who has never even sipped a beer telling you that the amount of alcohol you're drinking will destroy your life actually carries less weight than if that homeless drunk living in the gutter tells you that same thing. The homeless alcoholic knows exactly what he is talking about so regardless of if he is a hypocrite or not, you should probably listen well to his warning.

Melting Sky

Salvos needs to teach her kids that she has a powerful shape-shifting magic that lets her change out of her true form as a drake into a more humanoid one.


So what’s the bet that these wyverns eventually evolve into dragons? After all I would expect that a greater wyvern would evolve into a lesser dragon or something.


Not sure if they are wyverns already as the have no wings or scales. Could be salamanders with dragon being an alternate evolution path with unlock conditions.


Possible but dragons have been hyped up a ton and it just feels wrong for them to be an alternate evolution to wyverns. I mean a greater wyvern was elite level yet the dragons are referred to as gods, far above elite. I mean salvos has what seems to be the lowest level dragon themed job at level 100. A high level dragon themed job would be level 200+ or higher. So it’s scary to even think about what a greater dragon or a high evolution of dragon might be when a level 100 job is the lowest of their theme.


what did she honestly think would happen XD


Nothing, I think it is safe to say Salvos wasn't thinking anything when she came up with this plan. That is what makes it so entertaining.