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(Removed for KU)



10s. ya. I couldn’t wait for the next chapter


Remember, this is written in third person omniscient


I’ll miss that Star fish


Fun fact, the starfish was running away from her for a week straight


I though it was a little early for another Salvos chapter, so I was actually expecting an announcement of some kind. A Thera chapter came as a welcome surprise. Goodbye Starfish, we barely knew ya.

bob barker

next time, just post a salvos update which shows an image of a guy hanging on the edge of a cliff, turning to face the camera, with the troll face art superimposed over his face.


This isn’t a bad story by any means. The only problem I seem to be having is attaching myself to this character. Maybe I’m just a bit too detached mentally right when reading this, but I find it a bit difficult to put myself into this character and truly feel what she is feeling. I mostly think it’s the narration, so if there is a problem I’m seeing and not just out of it mentally right now, then that’s the only problem I see.


I’m curious, did you find yourself detached to Salvos in the early chapters?


What was the difference to you in those early chapters and these early chapters?


Sorry if I end up articulating things wrong, but I think it has to do with perspective. The difference between Salvos and Thera I think being that when Salvos was narrating her thoughts, it sounded like actual thoughts, and her knowing things that a creature just born shouldnt be able to know could be seen as a gift of knowledge straight from birth, and she came from this weird void thing. Thera on the otherhand is as afar as I am aware, just a turtle. A turtle with a very powerful lingeage, but nothing so otherworldly that they should be able to articulate things in the way they did, and so the narration feels as if its not supposed to be her direct thoughts. Maybe im just being unreasonable and need to extend my suspense of disbelief, but those are my thoughts said in a way I think most makes sense.


Salvos stared at rocks, and Thera stalked a starfish. I see.


wow, this chapter was nice and sad at the same time. I thought squirtle would team up with Staryu, but it wasn't meant to be. Thera will get some levels huh since she will unleashe her wrath against all the brown-colored fish. Child will grow... I hope. I wonder if Thera will get magic, beside the soul shield one. It will be interesting to see.


Maybe it's the complexity? With Salvos you had her thoughts from the get go, in a simple world of red sky and white rocks. Here you have Thera still developing coherent thought, and she's in a detailed ocean full of life. Trying to describe that process is sort of abstract. To me at least, it seemed like Thera has been a much more wordy read so far.


When salvos was baby salvos, she had this element to her that was both childlike and grown up. Sorta like a kid that got forced to be an adult. So I could relate to her in that despite everything she still felt somewhat human. I'd also say that watching what is essentially an infant try to work out lord of the flies style politics while trying to survive was very interesting. Also her analyzing a rock over and over was really funny lol. The addition of haek was good too. I think in this one, the pov and the prose are very different and I really like them, UT there's a lack of other characters for Thera to interact with, so it's more difficult to get a feel for her. Granted this was literally chapter 1



Sean Hibbitt

"get fucked" xD lovin' it