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Belzu is fucking GOATed, look at him fool the System itself! Hahahaha!


And it's really smart of Salvos to realise that fooling the system is a possibility.

Tyler smalley

As Salvos would say: Huh. Was not expecting that. Wait... could she keep Belzu captive and essentially farm him for experience? Even if its a long time he is still lvl 165. Easy way to get the companions levels up


No, the doppelgänger of Belzu would fight back. He would believe he’s the real Belzu and he wouldn’t want to die. That’s why Belzu can’t just create a doppelgänger and farm it.


'She gestured at herself, and Belzu tried to edge around her. But she didn’t let him. She brought a claw up to stop him, leaning against the wall at his back. He shrank back, asking in a quivering voice.' AAAAAAAAAA I cannot believe Salvos just used kabedon on Belzu! I CANNOT UNSEE

Jericho Drakane

Interesting little tidbit on Edithe being able to see Salvos' full class. I wonder if that is because of the link between them, something about Edithe that keeps giving her demon-related class advancements, or something about Edithe being Salvos' companion. I'd like to see Salvos evolve and get some kind of passive that effects people that she's declared a companion.

Tyler smalley

Ohhh I didn’t realize that the clone had its own will. It died so fast I didn’t think about it like that. I imagined some shadow clone shit where it disappeared and he was revived. Also I don’t know if it’s possible to keep a lvl 165 captive. More trouble than it’s probably worth.

Yeno Memevig

Ah a deal with the Devil ('s daughter). Sal would be so proud.

Alexey Gladkich

Wait, so Belzu can clone himself? Can he make an army of Belzos? Apply the skill 10 times and get 1024 Belzos.

Tyler smalley

I can imagine that all of them would think they were the original and would kill each other very quickly.


He’s killed millions of people. Not killing him there is pretty dumb.


Regnorex is coming with an army. Pairing up with Belzu is no different than Churchill and FDR allying with Stalin.

Yeno Memevig

Salvos doesn't really care that millions of humans died along as none of them were here friends.


Yay! Take care of yourself Melas.

Alexey Gladkich

I kinda thought it was feature of the [Draconic Apprentice] class and showing off the draconic traits. Similarly to how her subspecies is displayed as cambion when she is in natural form but shifts into mage once she pretends to be a human.

Jericho Drakane

The plan could still be to farm using Belzu. More specifically, have Belzu use his skills to create another army... then feed that army to Edithe and Daniel for their month-long speedrun to level 150.


So, does [Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion] still give bonus stats while active? Or am I just remembering things differently? The status update isn't showing them if they were a thing. I also hope she replaces her weapon while it's still active, maybe make a couple of backups due to its super long cool down. Possibly get some weapon upgrades for her companions


Yeah, think it's general too and nothing Edithe-specific.


I think Delta just forgot to put Divine Essence's stats into the character sheet. And yeah, Salvos likely going to stock up on multiple Divine nebular scythes now, if she hasn't already.


This was such a good chapter, totally worth the wait. From Belzu fooling the system to Salvos wall pressing him to make a deal. This is just divine.

Melting Sky

I may have been wrong about her class pick, but I knew Belzu wouldn't go out like a chump. You don't get to be the Devil's disciple and crowned the Lord of Lies without being able to fake your own death properly. Staying true to what makes Salvos so exceptional compared to her lesser kin, rather than mindlessly killing Belzu, she has instead extended an olive branch to him seeking to ally against their common enemy. It's a very risky move, particularly if the humans ever catch wind of it, but even the most untrustworthy of individuals can generally be trusted to do what is in their best self-interest. You just have to make absolutely sure that your interests and theirs align and that they stand to lose far more from betraying you than they could ever hope to gain from doing so. Belzu would be an incredibly powerful ally if Salvos pulls this off.

Big I

Lol, "wall pressing" makes me think of the romance anime trope where one character asks another out on a date

Melting Sky

One of the things Salvos is best at is thinking outside the box. It probably helps that she's fought corrupted beings and seen that the system can in fact be broken.

Melting Sky

Since it's a grand skill I imagine it has some bonkers long cool down. As we have seen with Salvos' Grand Skills, the ones that have more powerful effects also come with equally hefty cooldowns. Can you imagine how broken that skill that buffs her +100 in every stat would be if it had a short enough cooldown that you could stack it multiple times before the duration wore off? I imagine Belzu's ultimate reality-warping grand skill has a cooldown that far exceeds its duration. Since he is making an almost perfectly real copy of himself the copy would be in the same exact condition he was including all his cooldowns, exhaustion, mana expenditure and injuries.

Alexey Gladkich

@MeltingSky I thought that the effect is permanent - for both of his Grand Skills.


I vote for Belzu as a new companion... not that my vote matters anyways


Would the doppelganger vanish if Belzu flew out infront of everyone next to it? Id imagine his skill would have very unique limitations, perhaps being if his lie is exposed then the system corrects things. Experience already awarded to others probably can't be taken back, but the clone's inspection description would maybe change after the truth that it's a clone is revealed (if it was still alive). Or say his lie can't be used to create simply anything on the spot (like say, he obviously probably can't create a clone of Regnorex) but it has to be used in a way that would be somewhat believable.


Hell to the fuck yeah. Call me McDonalds cause I sure the fuck am loving this.

David Brims

Just noticed one other detail: they 'killed' Belzu but they didn't get any Titles, even the ones who damaged him. So maybe System not entirely fooled?