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(Removed for KU)


Alexey Gladkich

Hmm... there was no notification about Belzu's death. Clearly, he is still alive.


There’s no defeat notification, just where are you hiding Belzu? Show yourself! Also I find it immensely amusing how the group is basically fighting a giant version of Asura Changeling Salvos; blue flames, four arms, similar stylized ram skull, Wings of the Netherworld-esque skill. Next thing you know it’ll pull out freshly created primordial weapons and destroy the party with them. Wild Salvos for the arc-boss.


Why must you deliver such powerful cliff hangers?! The anticipation is driving me insane!


Why would she get a notification? She didn’t hurt him enough to qualify for one. I think his character is past his due date and should die off so new characters can come in.

Alexey Gladkich

@ShotoGun ... you are badly off. Just fighting an individual guarantees a notification. And she landed [Demon's Mark] on him - that hurt a lot.


Yeah, Belzu straight up screamed in pain from a Divine Demon's Mark hitting him. There's absolutely no way Salvos didn't pass the participation bar when it comes to XP handouts. Same deal for Orgaf.

Different Nick

He's not hiding. He is standing 30 meters away laughing at salvos fighting illusion of herself on steroids.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I agree, belzu should not have stuck around this long. He over stayed his welcome


Disagree. While I'm sad she didn't get Belzu, I really liked this. Throughout the set up has been that While Belzu is her focus, she's very far from his. It also sets up the grey area of Belzu's goals and actions being very different from Regnorex's - who I assume either Salvos or Daniel will kill. So this end to him fits the characters long standing theming.


I'm here to see Salvos and Orgaf somehow kill it. He's less than 20 levels below it right? And Salvos has made punching above her weight class her entire personality at this point. Also great moment for Willy to FINALLY do something useful

Alexey Gladkich

I believe sheer size matters a lot and besides, Belzu is more of a mind trickster so he is a lot more vulnerable to damage than beefed up monstrosities.


Hm Salvos as Dragon now? We remember the new Class selection?

Alexey Gladkich

She hasn't picked the upgrades yet. I believe due to seeing this Abomination she'll pick the [Draconic Apprentice]... it isn't yet a dragon though.

Melting Sky

Why would you assume Belzu, The Lord of Lies, is dead without a kill notification to prove it?

Melting Sky

The problem is Orgraf is just a human and he isn't even a hero so that difference in levels is more like 30 or 40 if you take into account the difference in species.


On the contrary to everyone saying Belzu's stuck around too long as a boss to beat. I saw Belzu less as a boss to beat but more or a unfriendly rival which did a great job of dragging salvos into an 'arms race' of sorts. As Salvos and Belzu are both favored by the devil due to being the interesting individuals of this era, I wouldn't find it surprising if Belzu was to survive and show up later a lot stronger as he continues to grow along side Salvos.

Jericho Drakane

Well. Part of the reason why Salvos can punch above her level so well is that she's a demon, and demons are generally stronger than other beings of the same level. She doesn't have that advantage here, though her Grand Skills will likely do work.


Here’s the thing: at this point, the characters are just getting introduced to just how deep the horrors of hell go, and what happened to him kind of reveals how insignificant their fight ended up being; there are so many stronger beings, and the battle they fought, while hard fought, was also one of many


Oh damn, 2 Demons down huh. Salvos you should use your other Grand Skill. like soon?