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(Removed for KU)


Yeno Memevig

RIP demon siblings😭


Love love love it. thanks for the chapter.


narrative perspective kinda interesting, similar to when we were looking from that Sage centinel perspective; thx for the chapter! Btw whys it called given?


really enjoyed seeing the other demon's perspectives. thanks for the chapter!


I think salvos just got some good experience

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. It's all great story but it really feels like I've read the same chapter like 3 times.


I tried writing a longer fight scene since a patron recently pointed out my fight scenes last 1-2 chapter at most.

Joshua Little

If you are getting a better response from stretching the fight scene fair enough go with the majority. I would have been fine if Salvos finished them off straight away after teleporting in without much of a fight. Massive fight scenes with minor characters don't seem like that big a deal. I think you have been doing great as you have been with the series.


That was a nice fight. Salvos flexing her op Grand Skill.

Tanner Porter

At this point what the author is doing has been working. Not much reason to shake it up at this point. It goes without saying that thousands of people have fallen in love with the story regardless of whether fight scenes are long or short. But I echo Joshua’s point that long fight scenes with major characters are great, with minor characters maybe not so much unless Salvos is showing off her incredible self again 😏 I admit, I don’t mind reading about Salvos dismantling her unsuspecting foes regardless of the context.

Lictor Magnus

I prefer the shorter fights. It's so painful to read a 10-20 chapter fight in a web serial as it's happening. It's like watching a fight in a movie where someone pauses after 15 seconds and makes you wait a day or two for the next 15 seconds.

Joshua Little

I don't mind a longer fight as long as it progresses, though I do hate fights where it is decided but A pull out a secret weapon then B pull out theirs then A gets his super duper secret out etc. So far I've been happy.


I think that fight scenes shouldn't last more than one chapter no matter how long they are because waiting for the next update just creates a massive disconnect from the tension and stakes. But maybe I am just spoiled from reading TWI with 30k words chapters, lol.


Look, I've asked once or twice before, but... I thought Grand Skills were hard to get? Is it just that Humans are dumb and stupid and useless and therefore they can't easily get Grand Skills? I'm not super fond of that trope, but it'd be nice to get it clarified, because we keep seeing that it's actually extremely easy for monsters over level 100 to get Grand Skills, but apparently they're nearly unheard of for humanoids until level 150+, and then even then it's uncommon? I mean, we saw that Evolved Centinel get a Grand Skill from pure salt and murdering random sea life, there was that Kobold Cult Leader who had one at level 113 for some reason, and here we just saw a level 125 Demon get a Grand Skill at what amounted to being the first upset in her life. Well, unless you're the Hero, then you get a Grand Skill equivalent every 50 levels automatically, but that seems odd. Are humanoids just a dead end in this setting unless you're a Hero or something? Because "Grand Skills are Rare" and "We keep seeing people Salvos fights getting Grand Skills after hitting a speedbump, even if it's not enough to save them." But supposedly, getting a Grand Skill before level 150 is rare, but we've seen it happen three times even outside of Salvos (So we can't call it just Protagonist Privilege), so something doesn't add up, and I do hope that gets addressed.


It seems to me that the requirements for grand skills is a combo of 2 things. The first is a combination of certain pre existing skills, and the second is intense emotions. Remember the evolved centinal was obsessed with 2 things one was revenge, and the second was to prove herself to the Matriarch. Even the kobold was a religious zealot. The reason that humans don't seem to get them easily before lv 150+ is because they avoid putting themselves into unnecessary danger and only fight winnable battles. Which likely stunts their ability to get them as it ultimately means they never reach that emotional threshold. Only at the 150+ point do they end up fighting enemies that might push them to develop a grand skill. So it's not so much that they are idiots as they are too cautious, and the sentient monster races that can develop grand skills are more suicidal and willing to put themselves in greater danger, thereby eventually reaching that emotional threshold, and based on their existing skills can develop grand skills. At least that is my theory on the subject.


Her invincibility GS should have like only 4 or 5 days of a cooldown, while her divine essence GS has a little more than a few weeks cooldown


It might be hard, or it might be not, but regardless the author is currently a fan of handing them out at discount price to spice thing up? Raise the stakes? Always cooler watching super seiyans fight than a couple of mortals🤷


I mean yeah, we've seen an increase in Grand Skills, but with the exception of the zealot who we didn't see unlock the skill they've all been unlocked against near certain death paired with being forced to accept the unacceptable. The centinel wasn't strong enough to stop Salvos from killing other centinels and was forced to run, Salvos was facing down certain death and breaking a promise, the demon twin lost their other half. If extreme events like that aren't enough to develop a Grand Skill, what is?

Sean Hibbitt

I agree. Great build up to the acquiring of a grand skill. And it shows off how much she's grown through the devil's training

Sean Hibbitt

Great chapter! Thank you!