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(Removed for KU)





Sorry for the late chapter. Was busy with Tian publication stuff today.


Don't worry about it. You're doing your best. Also thanks for the chapter, and vol 1 of Tian.


Hell yeah I was wondering why the clone didn’t explode


mhmm that final, so delightful. I missed Salvos.

Yeno Memevig

Combination casting + salvos' clones = kick ass.


Fucking beautiful, entrance was a 10/10

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Like a boss.

John Pratt

The red and blue dichotomy makes me think about her first companion.

Melting Sky

You really should scale back your schedule a bit. A good work ethic is admirable, but working so relentlessly that you grind yourself down and do subtle but lasting psychological and physical damage to yourself is the folly of youth. It is particularly true with creative work. Please do take care. We bitter old farts with hollow eyes earned our haggard visages making these very same mistakes when we were young. Taking the time to really live and interact with the world provides fresh fuel to stoke the fires of creativity. Writers are artists of a sort and all artists draw inspiration for their work from their own experiences, which means kicking back and letting loose should be considered a crucial part of your creative process and a mandatory part of your job.


At salvos entrance I internally Played the theme song of ilidan stormrage appearing in world of warcraft xD